Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Homeowner's Symphony

I'm back. I missed my little blog. SORRY, for you 10 or so who read my posts. Needless to say, I have had NO time for blogging or any other web activity. Getting the house, re-training an unruly alpha-wannabe cat, making home improvements, working my normal job, worrying about not getting pregnant and being a part-time musician hasn’t necessarily taken its toll, but all that does wear me/us out. Hub is stressing over the same things.

To be honest, I am not very stressed about anything except for the pregnancy part (more on that later), which obviously doesn't help. Funny how that happens. Good thing is that a friend of mine who was in the same boat is now pregnant - yay for them! That gives me hope that we will, too.

Our property seems to be gaining its fair share of black widow spiders. What's up with that? Poor hub nearly missed getting bitten aka kilt by one on Sunday. It's not enough that our youngest cat bit him last week or that he has constant kidney stones and an ulcer... nooo. Psycho spiders decide to come after us just for pruning back shrubs! I had the dang willies all day, and I've been pricing quarterly pest control.

Sigh... so much stuff to keep up with when you're homeowners. Landlords do more than you realize.

I think I may have mentioned breaking my foot earlier in the year. So tonight, I have REALLY hurt it again. It might require another trip to the podiatrist. As if I want to spend more money. I know how to tape it up properly, so I may just do that. MUCH cheaper than an out-of-network $60.00 co-pay.

I started a new book series... The Immortals by Alyson Noel (first book is Evermore, 2nd Blue Moon, not sure of the others yet). Yeah, yeah - it's vampires again. So? Friends of mine have read up to four series. I am only on my 3rd, thank you very much. Plus, The Vampire Chronicles don't count since I barely remember anything about them.

Later... big puppy needs to go out.

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