Sunday, October 17, 2010


Does it drive you nuts when someone tries to talk over you? It's still called interrupting, people.

Do you also get crazy internally when someone makes remarks about you being not-so-smart? Yeah... well, SO sorry I didn't go to your wonderful school.

Do you also feel like throwing a banana peel under someone when they get the last newspaper at the store or the last cold Sprite?

Me too!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Milk Toof

This is THE cutest blog I have seen since cats eating cheezburgers: My Milk Toof. Read all about the adventures of ickle and Lardee! They are just adorable.

And darned if they don't have a book for sale!

My Milk Toof: The Adventures of ickle and Lardee

Kiki says watch this

This is my favorite album currently. Spirit is a great movie and excellent soundtracks. Not to mention I love Bryan Adams, so when the prospect of him musically narrating a whole movie says jump, you jump.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Deep Thought

I was in the freezer aisle at Walmart today and wondered, "Can Toaster Strudel be put in the toaster?" Which, knowing my current sans-microwave situation, is a legitimate question. However, my questioning instinct was smacked down by intuition that should have stepped forward first today. Sigh.

And the corn wasn't so bad anyway.

Clockwork Angel

This is the book I am planning on getting next. I have read the previous series by Cassandra Clare, the Mortal Instruments, and it was great! I even lent the full trilogy to my co-worker.

On a side note, my husband wants corn with dinner again. So sick of corn!