Sunday, May 27, 2012

Slack TV Watcher

How do I happen to have 11 episodes of Grimm and seven episodes of Fringe on my DVR? Am I purposely avoiding these shows? What is it about these two that make me delay watching them until the bitter end? I think I secretly crave something to watch in the summertime. I think that's why save them.

Sadly, I have done this before. As I write this, I still have three episodes of Game of Thrones to catch up on, even though that is currently my favorite show (when The Walking Dead is not on, mind you).

Yes, I have issues. Apparently it's video issues this time.

Oddly, I cannot seem to watch any shows live. 'Tis the life of a musician. Always practicing.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lesson learned vicariously:

Lesson learned vicariously:

Don't spend money before you have in in your hands/bank account. I am saying this mainly because of this stimulus payment we got awhile back.

Why in the world would you already schedule spending that money when it's coming from the federal government? Federal Government typically pays bills 90 days from the date of service. What are you going to say about it, anyway? You really aren't going to "repo" product back from them. Do you want an audit?

How long does it take you to get your tax return back? Ok then, add another month to that, and that's when you might get your stimulus money. Maybe then, you can schedule spending it. Do not already obligate those funds to something/someone. You can't guarantee it will happen. It's not like a predictable paycheck.

That was a mild example, but you get the picture. Well, I do, at least, and that's what matters, because this is MY list of what I have learned. Go make your own. =)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tattoos for the beta personality

I want a tattoo, but I am a pansy and don't like to be purposely poked with needles for over an hour. I might endure the pain; however, if there were a tattoo just perfect for me. Until that tattoo comes along, here is a list of potentials. No particular preference order; they're just listed as I think of them.

Treble Clef or some other musical notation
Jack Skellington
something flute-ish, but I don't know if I trust anyone to get this just right.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

To Come...

I have this HUGE post I'm drafting for you... yes, you. It's all about you here.

Hub and I went through an ordeal getting our house. I decided to put it all down so someone else might benefit from our nerve-shattering lack of knowledge about the housing and mortgage industries.

We now know enough, but we could have used that knowledge at the time. Now I give it to you. However, I want to make sure it's all cleaned up of expletives before I give it to you. You'll get this eventually.

Until then, you'll probably just get the normal asinine stuff.

But hey, at least I can spell asinine.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Loveliness in the front yard

More fun with the iPhone. This is our dogwood just days before a freak hailstorm destroyed every single one of these blooms.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Zooey was right

Too funny; it works! I had no idea anyone around here would deliver tomato soup.

Carolina at Furman

Ahh, two of my favorite things in one setting: baseball and the Carolina Gamecocks.

We had a great time with my dad and his best friend. See lovely pics below, plus enjoy my experience of playing with my iPhone on its second day in my possession.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Something better to do

In line at Walmart. Let me tell you, I do not recommend this on the night before Mother's Day.

Kill me now, please.

So far...

I'm up! Take out the dog, check the Internet, hear stomach grumble. Life is content! Well, except I missed breakfast time.

11:08am: Go to make bed. Decide bed looks good. Get in bed. Read kindle instead.

Guess I'll be back later.


Test for blogger mobile.


Ugh. Just when I decide to start blogging again, I have to merge with my PUBLIC google+ profile. Yay. Such much for semi-anonymity. I also am not thrilled with the layout. Thanks, google.