Well, maybe not, but it was a funny enough title.
Aww! I checked my site stats, like I do every once in awhile. I'm so excited that I actually am starting to have return visitors!
I'll update my 101 in 1001 stuff sometime tonight. Not much new to add except pictures & whatnot, which are right here!
Long overdue money in the piggy update: $16.42 (which is now extra $$ for Gatlinburg).
D and I stood in line Friday afternoon during lunch break to get a ticket for the Harry Potter midnight book release that night. For book 6, Josh and I were approximately #1300-something, maybe worse. This time, we were there at the beginning of the ticket-giving-out time, so we were #130! We took his parents out for dinner (late birthday present for his mom) and came home later to meet D, who went with us to Barnes & Noble at about 11PM.
We got there and were surrounded by 1500-2000 people (of course, mainly children). Actually, we couldn't have arrived at a better time. Ten minutes after we walked in, they started telling people where to stand. We were in the 3rd group, and 3 groups at a time got called, so that put us in the first combined group. We were only there until 12:30 this time (compared to 2:30ish for book 6 - horrid!!). I went home and read a chapter before I even went to bed. Ha! Now I'm at page 350 or so.
I also want to read a little before I go to bed, so I'm off. Night!
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