Friday, January 27, 2006

Running out of vacation days

As it turns out, I must now have a root canal on the tooth the quack screwed up (officially known as #19). Wouldn't you know? B/c of leaving some decay in the bottom for over a year without my knowledge (of course I would have taken care of it if I had known that was a possibility), it caused it to get worse. It's actually starting to abcess, which I found out today. If it had been done correctly the first time, I wouldn't be losing half of my tooth. I've prided myself on my dental hygiene and this really gets under my skin.

If I ever wished to communicate with him again, I'd love to demand payment for my upcoming procedure. It ticks me off. My out-of-pocket cost (I doubt this includes the crown, thank you very much) is $250-$300. Nice...

Oh yeah - this is cool too - I had what I thought was going to my last procedure on Monday to finish off the other hurt tooth. I was numbed ALOT b/c my anesthesia tolerance is high (actually, almost my whole family is like that). Believe it or not, I am still numb on my right side. It's borderline annoying by now.

I hate to keep harping on my teeth, but they've been my main topic for about 2 months now, considering I've had 6 trips to the dentist since then (3 of them were specifically for #19 - fyi)

Other news:
Danielle is hosting a girly sleepover tomorrow night. Josh is probably going to have a movie night with his best friend, so I'm covered! We're all going to have dinner, watch some movies, and have some well-deserved beverages. The pids will have to live with only having their Daddy for one night LOL.

Alright - that's it for me - goodnight!

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