This was a SOLID sheet of ice on my car. It took me a whole minute to crack through it (just a quarter size area).

Then it took me about an hour to get the windows clear. My wipers were frozen to my windshield.

This actually doesn't look that bad, but think about this: you're looking at the weight of about 4-5 ice cubes on a 2 ounce piece f limb (imagine how much heavier that makes a small branch).

I hate that this one wasn't in focus...

This one didn't show the ice, but you can see how the limbs are hanging low.

These were originally laying all the way on my trunk, but I was playing with them and chipped some ice off.

Somebody's Jeep from my apartment complex. If you maximize the pic you can see the icicles better.

Those ground-cover plants are usually brown, not white LOL.

That huge broken branch on the left actually severely brushed the hood and top of my car when I went under it. The bottom of the broken branch is about three feet from the ground.

Heavy tree above my car ::shudder::

The railing for my walkway

Railing #2

Railing 3

Last one - this really shows the amount of ice on everything if you maximize the pic.

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