Monday, January 30, 2006
4 Jobs You Have Had in Your Life
1. Making Ice Cream at Dairy Queen
2. Easter Bunny
3. Assistant Band Director
4. working in a finance department
4 Movies You Would Watch Over and Over
1. Deep Impact
2. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
3. Uptown Girls
4. The Patriot (Mel Gibson & Heath Ledger version)
4 Places You Have Lived
1. Greenville, SC - sorry folks, that's it!
4 TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. Law & Order
2. Dateline NBC
3. House
4. The Office (just got into that, but it's hilarious!)
4 Places You Have Been on Vacation
1. Virginia Beach, Virginia
2. Gatlinburg, Tennessee
3. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
4. Gulf of Mexico (not exactly sure where, I was young)
4 Websites You Visit Daily
2. (just for the pids' sakes - it's their site!)
4 Favorite Foods
1. Wendy's Cheeseburgers
2. Chicken Cordon Bleu
3. My mom's chicken casserole
4. Ice cream!
4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Home sleeping!!
2. Barnes & Noble
3. Having a root canal
4. Music practice
4 Songs you could listen to over and over (added by me!):
1. We Don't Need Another Hero (Tina Turner)
2. If We Could Remember (Yolanda Adams)
3. The Remedy (Jason Mraz)
4. Hello (Evanescence)
4 kids you've babysat (added by me!):
1. Ryan
2. Anthony
3. David
4. Lauren
4 names of pets you've had (added by me!):
1. Ernie the Turtle
2. Doc Holliday the Turtle
3. Macy the Cat
4. Lucy the Cat
4 People You Tag to complete this
1. nah - if you read it, you'll probably do it in your head anyway
Copyright © 1999- 2006 Google (well, most of it)
Friday, January 27, 2006
Running out of vacation days
If I ever wished to communicate with him again, I'd love to demand payment for my upcoming procedure. It ticks me off. My out-of-pocket cost (I doubt this includes the crown, thank you very much) is $250-$300. Nice...
Oh yeah - this is cool too - I had what I thought was going to my last procedure on Monday to finish off the other hurt tooth. I was numbed ALOT b/c my anesthesia tolerance is high (actually, almost my whole family is like that). Believe it or not, I am still numb on my right side. It's borderline annoying by now.
I hate to keep harping on my teeth, but they've been my main topic for about 2 months now, considering I've had 6 trips to the dentist since then (3 of them were specifically for #19 - fyi)
Other news:
Danielle is hosting a girly sleepover tomorrow night. Josh is probably going to have a movie night with his best friend, so I'm covered! We're all going to have dinner, watch some movies, and have some well-deserved beverages. The pids will have to live with only having their Daddy for one night LOL.
Alright - that's it for me - goodnight!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Ice Pics

This was a SOLID sheet of ice on my car. It took me a whole minute to crack through it (just a quarter size area).

Then it took me about an hour to get the windows clear. My wipers were frozen to my windshield.

This actually doesn't look that bad, but think about this: you're looking at the weight of about 4-5 ice cubes on a 2 ounce piece f limb (imagine how much heavier that makes a small branch).

I hate that this one wasn't in focus...

This one didn't show the ice, but you can see how the limbs are hanging low.

These were originally laying all the way on my trunk, but I was playing with them and chipped some ice off.

Somebody's Jeep from my apartment complex. If you maximize the pic you can see the icicles better.

Those ground-cover plants are usually brown, not white LOL.

That huge broken branch on the left actually severely brushed the hood and top of my car when I went under it. The bottom of the broken branch is about three feet from the ground.

Heavy tree above my car ::shudder::

The railing for my walkway

Railing #2

Railing 3

Last one - this really shows the amount of ice on everything if you maximize the pic.

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Our landlords are doing a mandatory appliance inspection to make sure nothing's breaking down on all of us today. The pids are locked up with Josh in the bedroom. LOL - Poor Josh... I can just imagine them running all over the place! I have to go let them out at lunch (well, IF they're done with the inspections, that is). For obvious reasons, we put the litterbox in there but not the food. :) They'll be hungry... poor babies!
Josh lost his dang cell phone LATE Friday night. He was at Wally World and it popped off his belt clip. I left a note with Wally World and kept calling and txting the phone, but to no avail. Oh yeah, and I KNOW someone got it, even though they weren't answering the phone, because they were receiving the text messages (you can tell on ours if someone doesn't press view vs. actually viewing the message). Turds. I even sent notes saying that the phone was needed for medical reasons and we needed it immediately, and to please call as soon as they could. Jerks.
Truthfully, it's probably a toy in some toddler's baby purse now, you figure? Either that, or it's an electronic spot on the Wally World blacktop.
Luckily, we have insurance, but I forgot we had it until I was trying to find the # to have the phone turned off and found the insurance policy. Woo-hoo! It only cost him $50 (yeah, him and not me - I wasn't paying it!) instead of $300. To tell the truth, I never thought we had it, but the guy who wrote out our policy must have added it and forgotten we said no. It's on there, so, excellent! I finished the claim on Sunday night at 6:30 and we had the phone on Tuesday morning. Talk about quick service!
LOL - I feel better - rants are fun.
Someone say hi!! I might actually write more today, believe it or not. :)
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Quote for the day
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
A New Year
Belated Happy New Year, by the way! We had a really nice time on the 31st. First, we went out to Monterrey's (mexican) restaurant with Josh's parents. After that, we were heading to Dani's house to see them, but they weren't home yet, so we skipped ahead and went to Adam & Wanda's get-together. It was us, Wanda, Adam, Kiley, Mom, Dad, Alisha (Wanda's sister), her boyfriend, his two girls: Bailey & Hannah, and Wanda's mom & stepdad. Quite a crowd, but their house can handle it. Our 1-bedroom apt, however, might burst open!
I would post my Christmas and new pid pictures, but a battery burst in my wireless mouse last night (scared the crap out of me, FYI), so the only place I can post is at work until I clean it out and make sure it's not damaged. Talk about crapola.
Oh yeah, we've "stopped cursing" courtesy of Josh... sort of. He doesn't let them fly quite as much, and I mostly don't do it anymore. Occasionally, if I've tripped over something the pids have dragged around or burned myself w/ plastic like I did last night, I'll let something go. Dani gave us a potpourri burner for Christmas and instead of doing a massive search for the scissors, I used a candle lighter to burn the swing tag that was wrapped around part of it. I pulled it out of the diffuser hole and 3 beads of melted plastic landed on my fingers. That stung, just in case you want to know.
Well, I've been begging for something to do at work for the past couple of days, and when I get on here, I finally get work LOL.
I have another dentist appt today to deal with the two cavityful teeth on the right side. Status on left side is still pending. I have the temp stuff in and it'll be done at a later date. FYI: still REALLY tired of chewing on my right side only. Therefore, I get to eat lunch today and nothing else until the sensitivity goes away on the right side after I have the fillings done there. Besides, I'm not biting the crap out of my tongue like I did last time.