Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Water, not Power!

Our hot water seemed to cut itself off for the past two nights. Sporadically, might I add. When we turned the cold water on, it was on full blast, but nothing at all was coming out of the hot water side in both the bathroom sink and the shower, but it was ok everywhere else - explain that!!!

Being the brain child I am, I suggested we flip the breakers connected to the water heater! Well, my goofy theory was amplified by the fact that it seemed like it worked! As soon as I flipped the breaker back on, darned if the water didn't come right on. What would you think? Yeah, you'd think it too... admit it. I'm not the only goofball on the planet.

Finally, we decided to call maintenance and they figured out that it was a clog in the incoming hot water valve. Ha!! I'm not crazy after all... though, my breaker flip begs to differ... leave me alone!

FYI: 23 days and five hours until HP6!!!

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