Monday, December 22, 2008


Wow - has it ever been a long couple of weeks. 
My uncle is really sick, for one thing.  An otherwise healthy man, he had what was thought to be some sort of herniated disc or something in his neck (between the C1 and C4 area, I think).  It ended up not being that, though.  It was a staph infection in his neck, which required emergency surgery to remove the infection.  This was discovered while he was already in the hospital for renal failure.  He had been taking ibuprofen for the neck pain, but not eating or drinking, so his kidneys shut down. 
He has been regaining kidney function day-by-day, but during the emergency surgery, his heart stopped at least once, which caused a blood clot.  The clot then traveled to his spine, of all things.  He is now paralyzed from the chest down.  I cried like he had died when I found out.  He's such a strong man, and I never would have expected something like that to happen to him, of all people.  It's very hard to watch my favorite uncle suffering. 
I went to see him yesterday again, and he is on a ventilator as well.  He can communicate somewhat, but it is extremely difficult to understand him.  The nurses, my mom and aunts can understand him more than I can, but they've been around him more.  I talked to him a couple of times, and I feel bad that I couldn't understand him.  I was able to figure out that he was thirsty once, though.  I gave him those sponges that you can wet and let him drink from.  The other time, I had to get the nurse to figure it out. 
He knows he is paralyzed, or at least he has been told at least once.  No one is sure yet if he has retained everything he hears, or if he's even hearing everything. 
Other than that, things don't suck, they just cost a lot. 
Oh, and the cute little neighborhood feral kitty got hit and killed last night or this morning.  That just started my day off badly. 
Well, Christmas is coming up.  I am going to visit my Uncle both days, and then we're getting together with the families over three days.  That might make things better. 

Monday, December 08, 2008

Hero Dog

All I can say about this is aww. This dog's buddy got hit on a highway, and he dodges oncoming cars to pull him to safety.

Hero Dog

Friday, November 21, 2008


I changed purses the other day. I went to put something in one of the slots and I found a handkerchief of my PaPa's that Grandma had given me. It's been 15 months since he died, but because I had it closed off to normal air flow, I guess, it still smelled like him. I never thought I'd smell that again. I almost cried at work just now.

I really miss him, especially on and around the holidays. Thanksgiving is coming up and we won't have his potato salad, or get to dodge his spontaneous tickle grabs when we pass his chair. I miss that.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

OPEC is sad that it has lost potential profits on cheaper oil.

And yet again (see news here), I don't care if you lose money, OPEC. See previous OPEC post.

So there.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I told you.

Is your cat plotting to kill you?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Today's our 4th anniversary! We don't get to even see each other, though. Well, if looking at him snoring while I get ready for work counts, then we do, but otherwise, we don't. I am working 9-6, he is working 3rd, and I have band practice, so we miss each other entirely.

It's alright, though. Our Twilight endeavour on the 21st is our real anniversary date night. We have had that planned since we've been reading the books, so it's not like we thought we'd be able to do anything tonight anyway.

Anyway, Happy Anniversary to us!

Oh, and check out the cute turkey background! I got it from "Cutest Little Blog on the Block."

All Work, No Pay

At least I can say I get my paycheck like I was promised. This is ridiculous.

Wild Wing having trouble paying employees

However, to me, it seems like they're doing everything they can to $1 their staff to death. $4 per paycheck for breaking dishes? Little weird if you ask me. I don't go there anyway. I have long since outgrown that kind of scene.

One more new kid

This one's from Greenville.

Rachel Gleason

Remember, just scroll down to my "Prayers Needed" section and find her name.

Friday, November 07, 2008

New Kids

I added new kids to pray for under the "Prayers Needed" list below.

Kasey Radford
Caroline O'Neil
Austin Krumrey

Monday, November 03, 2008

Berea Playoff Bound?

My school might be going to football playoffs - yay!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Cameron Brown

Cameron has passed away on October 30th at 10:04PM. Once again, I cannot imagine what this must be like for his family.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cameron Brown & Liam Fisher

All who read this:

Please keep these two young boys and their respective families in your thoughts and prayers at what must be such a heartbreaking time.
Cameron Brown
Liam Fisher

I cannot imagine what it must be like to entertain the possiblity of losing your child.

Macy Update #2

So far, our boy has been ok.  He is still not happy at all with the antibiotics we have to give him, but he hasn't had any more "episodes" since we starting giving that to him.  Maybe it just had to work its way out of his system. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Poor Filly

Aww, this poor horse! This looks like something I'd do to myself.

Macy update

My boy is ok.  He is either having stress issues or he has a tiny bacterial infection that the vet couldn't detect.  He has to take an antibiotic once a day, which he HATES.  My poor boy.  He got his shots, too, so he was not a happy boy yesterday. 
I'm just happy he's not very sick.  I am extremely attached to him (well, all of them, but he is my first). 

Flashing Lights lead to Robberies

Flashing Lights Lead to Robberies

See, this is why I have a problem with those auctioned-off decommissioned police vehicles. I know that's probably not what was used in this situation, but I would seriously pull over for those cars. They have the blacked-out rear light panels and even the manual spotlight on the front. I have been seasoned to respond to blue lights, but geez... wouldn't the average person stop for those cars, too?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My furbaby

My baby boy kitty, Macy, is at the vet right now with hub. I'll say it nicely by saying that he has had a digestive issue over the last week (in the litterbox area).

He's not a happy boy right now.

Please wish him well in your thoughts. He's my only boy.

All Work, No Play

Ok, maybe you get the pictures next week.  This week, I am spending every waking moment either at work or cleaning my house.  With Halloween coming up and me hosting a jewelry party the next weekend, I have a lot to do.  I am only able to post remotely now because I am at work and cannot clean. 
If it weren't for our pets, I'd have a much cleaner floor, but it's worth it.  I love our babies.  It's not their fault anyway.  I hope "Nature's Miracle" works a miracle or two. 
Oh dang, I just realized I need to plan hors d'oeuvres for the party.  Hmm.  What shall Kiki make/get?  Lemon Pie for sure, veggies, fruit, drinks, nuts?  Sounds like a semi-plan. 
-sigh-  I'm so busy this week.  Geez.  Time to put the DVD player on auto-pilot and start multi-tasking.  No facebook or blogger, no nothing else until I'm done. 
I also realized that I need to get some alternate seating in our house.  The last few things we have had, we havn't had enough seating.  I might have to borrow from my bro this time around until I have a chance to go out and actually purchase something good. 

Guns & Roses and some free Dr. Pepper

LOL - it looks like Dr. Pepper is making good on their promise to give out free Dr. Pepper if Guns and Roses EVER released that long-awaited album of theirs, Chinese Democracy.

Well, long awaited for some. Me? Not so much. I was over GNR by the time Slash and Duff moved on to Velvet Revolver.

As for the free drink, I semi like Dr. Pepper. I migrated to Mr. Pibb until it starting sucking, and never went back to Dr. Pepper since I gave up brown sodas. I might break down and give it another try.. you know, since it's free and all. If I act quickly, that is.

Dr Pepper's Guns N' Roses Promise Won't Go Flat

Monday, October 27, 2008


I just found my remote-post email address again.  Now I can post faster from work and not have to open up the whole dang website.  Sweet. 

Privacy, or not

I think I am slowly losing my anonymity. Well, I couldn't expect much of it when I have my photo on my blog, but I try.

With this thing coming my way, I am going to have to embrace my public-ness. I can handle it. I just have to watch what I say. I don't want something to come back and bite me in the posterior. I mean, if I am linked from our main news source in Greenville, that's about as public as standing on a mouse in downtown.

That being said, I am probably about open myself up and invite my first IRL friend to read up. I doubt if there's anything here she's not already privy to.

It's been too long since you have seen pictures. I shall post some tonight after I hang my Halloween decorations.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Man Dies In Crash On Rain-Slick I-85 Ramp

Check out the link in the title above.

This EXACTLY why I fear crossing this particular section of 85 - I have to use it once a week. There is hardly any on-ramp to be spoken of, and people speed onto 85 like they're in a Mercedes Guard.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I turned 32 today. Next thing in life had better be having kids!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

OPEC and the Life-Sucking Piggy Bank

I was pleased this morning to wake up and find gas at my local Enmart lowered to $2.48 (even though I paid more last night, but that’s cool).

This morning, I read this article at Forbes and giggled a little.

Hub and I had a conversation regarding this issue awhile back. I was still ticked about the prices even though they were dropping. I said
I wouldn't be happy until they were below $2. He said it would never happen. To be honest, I believed him. However, after reading this article, I may not have been far off the mark.

So why did I giggle at you, OPEC? Well, maybe because you've been using Mega Maid to suck the dust bunnies out of my wallet for 4 years and it's time you get hit where it hurts. I guess Mega Maid's gone from suck to blow, eh? How does it feel not to know where your next meal is coming from? No, you're probably not that strapped for cash, dudes, mainly because you have the rest of my money hidden in your mattress, but a lot of us were/are. I at LEAST wanted to buy my hubby a dang Christmas present.

Oh yeah, and speaking of exorbitant - how about cutting France a break, too? $9.33 a gallon. Really?

Sound off South

Cool! I have been "found" by a local website that compiles local blogs. I guess I should write more now! I meant to anyway.

Check them out.

You like me - you really, really like me!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well, I read all the Twilight books, back to front, times two. I absolutely LOVED all of them. I cannot wait for the first movie to come out on 11-21. My husband and I are going together to watch it. It’s going to be our date night – which brings me to one reason why I’m irritated. However, I don’t want this rant to take anything from that. I truly LOVED reading those books.

That being said -

I have friends *(not from work) that I have gotten into Twilight as well. They want to go see the movie also – which is great. I’m happy for them. However, I have told all of those friends that this is mine and hub’s date night. I suppose, to them, that doesn’t mean as much. To us, it’s a time where we can be alone with just each other. It’s when we splurge – for once – and enjoy our rare, unblemished amount of time where we don’t have to interact with anything or anyone else.

To be honest, I don’t think that’s selfish at all, especially considering how little we get to do it. For instance, I got to go to Charleston with a friend this past Saturday, and hub couldn’t even come with me.

I even brought up the fact that we’re going as our date night. Later on, one of those same people says something like, “yeah, we’ve all got somewhere to be on November 21st, don’t we? Aren’t we all going to see a movie?” Poke, poke; jab, jab. Well, no, we don’t… like I said before, I am not joining a group of folks. We want to be alone. Simple as that.

So, the basic the gripe is that I have told them over and over that this is going to be Josh and me alone. Obviously that’s not going to stop them from going to see it on their own, even at the same theatre. It shouldn’t. That WOULD be selfish of me.

Sometimes, I am oversensitive. Many times, in fact. I don’t think that’s true this time I have explicitly stated that hub and I want to be alone that night, and I keep getting ignored. I just think it’s a little annoying when people push themselves on others and invite themselves to places.


I caught myself about to say something. Should have said it.

Well, I read all the Twilight books, back to front, times two. I absolutely LOVED all of them. I cannot wait for the first movie to come out on 11-21. My husband and I are going together to watch it. It’s going to be our date night – which brings me to one reason why I’m irritated. However, I don’t want this rant to take anything from that. I truly LOVED reading those books.

That being said - I have friends that I have gotten into Twilight as well. They want to go see the movie also – which is great. I’m happy for them. However, I have told all of those friends that this is mine and hub’s date night. I suppose, to them, that doesn’t mean as much. To us, it’s a time where we can be alone with just each other. It’s when we splurge – for once – and enjoy our rare, unblemished amount of time where we don’t have to interact with anything or anyone else.

To be honest, I don’t think that’s selfish at all, especially considering how little we get to do it. For instance, I got to go to Charleston with another friend this past Saturday, and hub couldn’t even come with me.

I even brought up the fact that we’re going as our date night. Later on, one of those same people says something like, “yeah, we’ve all got somewhere to be on November 21st, don’t we? Aren’t we all going to see a movie?” Poke, poke; jab, jab. Well, no, we don’t… like I said before, I am not joining a group of folks. We want to be alone. Simple as that.

So, the basic the gripe is that I have told them over and over that this is going to be hub and me alone. Obviously that’s not going to stop them from going to see it on their own, even at the same theatre.

Sometimes, I am oversensitive. Many times, in fact. I know that. I don’t think that’s true this time. I have explicitly stated that hub and I want to be alone that night, and I keep getting ignored. I just think it’s a little annoying when people push themselves on others and invite themselves to places.

So there. Rant over. I am purged.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

101 in 1001 - a redo

Well, MANY things have happened to me during the time I was supposed to be checking off items on my 101 in 1001 list. So I have redone it. I gave myself a new time limit. Since some of the items I have checked off were in 2008, I am starting back at January 10th, 2008. Below is my "new" list.

My start date is 1-10-2008 at 12:00:00 AM.
My goal date is 1-16-2011 at 12:00:00 AM.

1> WatchAmerican Film Institutes 100 Greatest Movies (17/100)
2> Read 10 chapters of the Bible.
3> Read 1/2 of Shakespeare's complete works.
4> Read Twilight Saga (done 9-1-08)
5> Put together scrapbooks of our wedding, the kitties, Fiona, and my family.
6> Work up to 100 push-ups.
7> Work up to 100 sit-ups.
8> Reach my goal weight of 140.
9> Have our own house. (done – closed 1-10-08!)
10> Have children/child.
11> Run a mile.
12> Color an entire coloring book.
13> Recite the Greek alphabet from memory.
14> Learn elementary Latin.
15> Learn elementary Gaelic.
16> Take a photography class.
17> Learn a new instrument.
18> Take my older niece out for girlie time once every 3 months.
19> Send a care package to a soldier.
20> Get a passport.
21> Contribute to savings every paycheck... indefinitely.
22> Submit an entry to PostSecret.
23> Go to RenFaire.
23> Go to Medieval Times.
24> See another musical. (done – Fiddler on the Roof 2008!)
25> Do something nice for a stranger.
26> Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity.
27> Help someone in need.
28> Grow a plant that actually blooms more than once. (done – Burgundy Dahlia 2008!)
29> Watch a sunrise and a sunset.
30> Learn 25 new meals and cook them all at least once for hubby. 1/25
31> Eat 20 new healthy things I have never tried before. Stick with five of them.
32> Work up to 40 minutes a day on my elliptical trainer.
33> Learn a new word every week and use it three times in everyday language.
34> Host a real get-together for my friends (not just a candle party). (done 2x!)
35> Learn how to use Photoshop.
36> Take a photo of myself once a week during the 1001 days.
37> Write a decent haiku.
38> Go to sleep on time or earlier for 1 month; track results.
39> Give up a junk food.
40> Entertain in a retirement home.
41> Stop swearing.
42> Read the list 25 banned books.
43> Finish my Sudoku book and the Sudokus in my Nintendo DS.
44> Backup my important files on my computer.
45> Find time to go camping with hubby. Go camping.
46> Create a property will and a living will.
47> Buy our burial plots.
48> Attend a poetry reading.
49> Pay off my car and finally own something. (done – March 2008!)
50> Really clean out my closet and donate everything I clean out to local battered women's shelter. (half done!)
51> Give 20 undiscovered bands a listening chance.
52> Grow a small herb garden; keep alive until I have harvested something I can use in the kitchen.
53> Have one of those western pics taken with hubby.
54> Take a picture of something different every day for a month, twice. Review.
55> Volunteer at an Animal Shelter with hubby.
56> Dress up as something horribly scary for Halloween.
57> Spend 10 minutes in silence each day for a month.
58> Read all books we currently own.
59> Adopt a rescued animal. (done, Fiona the doog – 3-26-08!)
60> Have a picnic 5 times with hubby.
61> Say yes to something I would normally reject.
62> Go to an IMAX theater and not get sick.
63> Drink only water for 3 months.
64> Have flowers delivered to my Mom for no reason.
65> Dig for fossils.
66> Drop money where only a child can get it.
67> Have my teeth whitened.
68> Put together my Disney puzzle.
69> Read/reread all 7 Harry Potter books.
70> Do something crafty that requires mosaic stone.
71> Make a blanket from my old marching band/college t-shirts.
72> Get certified in Adult & child CPR. (done – 2008!)
73> Buy a lottery ticket.
74> Watch 10 movies I don't want to watch.
75> Choose an affirmation and say it each day for a month, changing every month for 6 months. Continue if it makes me happy.
76> Stop twirling my hair with my right hand.
77> Read the 100 Best Novels.
78> Beat hubby at chess 5 times in a row.
79> See all of the IMDB's Top 250 Movies I haven’t seen yet (53/250).
80> Send 25 e-cards.
81> Send snail mail birthday cards to all of my family members.
82> Donate platelets 10 times.
83> Have BBQ at 10 new places (list to follow!)
84> See 'Shakespeare in the Park' in Cleveland Park.
85> Attend Main Street Jazz.
86> Learn how to play Flight of the Bumblebee on my piccolo.
87> Have professional photos taken with hubby.
88> Get my name fixed on my SS card.
89> Pay off Computer bill.
90> Pay off NordicTrack.
91> Increase 401k contributions by 2% every time I get a raise (constant).
92> Go to a play with hubby.
93> Complete Christmas shopping early every year. (0/3)
94> Watch all the DVDs we own.
95> Get together with BFF once every few months or so.
96> Attend Greenville Symphony performance.
97> Go without fast food for a month.
98> Clean out storage room.
99> Learn to recognize 10 constellations. (1/10)
100> Do my Mindleaders course at work for 30 minutes every week (starting in two weeks when it's available again).
101> Make a new list!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Twilight Update

I was done with the last two books in less than two full days. LOL.

However, I am re-reading slower. I don't know why. I took my time before. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything. Yeah... I did that with Harry Potter, too.

Hiatus still in effect!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Me and Twilight

I have taken a blogging hiatus because my flute student got me into reading the Stephenie Meyer Twilight books. I am totally and utterly hooked. I'll be back when I am done... two more books from now.

Yes, I will address what I wrote before. Still not sure if I'm right.

Oh yeah, don't click on the title link above unless you've read all the books. Unless you WANT to be spoiled.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dog Nap

Something my MIL sent to me.

An older, tired-looking dog wandered into my yard; I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home and was well taken care of.

He calmly came over to me, I gave him a few pats on his head; he then followed me into my house, slowly walked down the hall, curled up in the corner and fell asleep. An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out.

The next day he was back, greeted me in my yard, walked inside and resumed his spot in the hall and again slept for about an hour. This continued off and on for several weeks.

Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: 'I would like to find out who the owner of this wonderful sweet dog is and ask if you are aware that almost every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.'

The next day he arrived for his nap, with a different note pinned to his collar: 'He lives in a home with 6 children, 2 under the age of 3 - he's trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?'

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Recent News #2

These are more news pieces that stuck out to me.

Pet owners fear tough economic choices (this one touched my heart, since I am a pet mommy & pet lover)

Hospital loses stillborn baby's body (this just makes me sad),2933,362901,00.html

6 year old saves 5 year old from drowning

Hit & Run Victim Ignored Like Roadkill

Monday, June 09, 2008

Animal Story

This is SUCH a great story of a Hurricane Katrina animal. Click the link below for Molly, the horse.

More on Molly:

Friday, May 23, 2008

My favorites of recent news

Lost Parrot Returns Home After Telling Veterinarian His Address,2933,356850,00.html

Police Dig Up Charles Manson's Former Ranch in Search for New Bodies,2933,356728,00.html

Woman Wakes After Heart Stopped, Rigor Mortis Set In

London's New Jack the Ripper Exhibit Cuts Deep,2933,357701,00.html

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

That just makes no sense

I had SUCH a strange dream last night.

Let me preface the dream with this explanation: I have a former conductor whom I probably never want to play for again, unless something drastic happens to his high-brow, upturned nose, perfectionist attitude. Just an example, if someone is out during a rehearsal (rehearsal, not practice. Apparently, there’s a difference), he expects the part to be covered. This is fine, if there’s an alternate person playing it. Otherwise, some poor soul has to pull what I call “piccolo duty” and read off two parts for the whole “rehearsal.” This is difficult as a piccoloist, I can testify, much less with two full parts. Piccolo parts usually have significant resting spots, making it a little easier to switch over, find your place again, pick up the new instrument and play.

Reason #2 I don’t appreciate this conductor is that he is pouty. This falls in line with the perfectionist trait. When someone doesn’t play something correctly or something doesn’t go his way, he huffs and puffs all over the podium. I have never seen someone take a wrong note so personally. I wasn’t the culprit of any wrong notes while I was playing for this ensemble (I wasn’t there long enough to do so). I was a fill-in for two separate concerts in two different seasons. The 2nd time around, I was asked in a hurry. I had a conflict with one of the rehearsals, and I told him so. I think he just about cracked his egg. I saw his face get beet-red and he pursed his lips at me. I don’t remember what he said b/c it ticked me off, but it was enough for me to realize that this wasn’t the right ensemble for me. He even pushes aside charter members like someone else I constantly perform with in order to let a “better” person sit in their place.

So, I told you ALL that to tell you about my dream. Sorry. It was necessary so you can feel my confusion. Oh, and I also need to tell you that, since my washer/dryer work now, I did some late-night laundry and left some important clothes out for Hub to dry for me in the morning… which he did. Yes, this is relevant.

I dreamt that I was going to be late for a concert for THIS conductor. Why was I in that ensemble? Beats me. For some reason, though, I was dying to get up there and play. I get myself to the performance spot and find that I am wearing jeans instead of black pants (the same pants I really did wash last night – see, I told you it was relevant). The concert is about to begin. I am backstage and I see that the strings have already put up their bows to warm up or actually play, not sure which. I get around to the side, where I can apparently hide, and I hear the downbeat of the first piece. So I am panicking because I’m not on stage playing. After the first piece, we all hear from the conductor “would the three performers who have not yet joined us, please do so at the intermission.” Yikes… one of those would be me.

And WHY again, am I so freaked out to get up there? I still don’t know. I must have been getting paid.

I end up back at home, not sure how I got there, and I find that my pants are still wet in the washer. I am screaming at the top of my lungs that Hub dried the wrong load of clothes. Bless his heart. For some reason, all this is his fault. Sorry, Hub. Someone has to pay. I realize now I’ll never get there in time for the intermission. I give up. However, now there is some chick in a wedding dress in my MOM AND DAD’S front lawn (her initials are Q.F.A., because her ugly initial necklace told me so), pitching a fit. This is probably a correlation to my conniption with Hub about the pants. I find out right before I wake up that her name was Queenie Faye something. WHY does that even matter? What the heck did I take before I went to bed?

So my interpretation of this whole thing goes back to the pants. I went to bed worried that Hub might forget to dry my pants in the morning, so I must have parlayed that into this dream. So weird.

Change of subject... Hub and I made a big mistake with the pool yesterday. We had filled it up to where it needed to be a couple of days ago. Yesterday, we were trying to deal with the filter and pump for the first time. We accidentally left it on backwash, which means the water will gush out of the underground pipe. We lost all of the extra water we had put in it. Dangit. Now we’re back to where we were. I have to fill up the pool again tonight, and of course, I can’t try the pump again until it’s full. Dangit. I guess I'm just doing housework until it's ready. Well, I need to anyway.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home stuff

We finally got a washer and dryer! Hub and his BFF set up the washer last night, and the dryer will hopefully beset up today. This means I’ll no longer have to take two loads at a time over to my Grandma’s house when I Grandma-sit and be up til 12:30 at night wanting on them to finish. My REM sleep thanks you, hub.

We almost have our pool open as well. Only one more “winterized” item remains, and we’ll be able to turn the pump on, get a water sample, and get it running. I’m excited to have my very own pool! I missed that. We had one at the apartment, but I didn’t feel comfortable laying out there. There were always WAY too many people in the daylight. Hub and I used to just go swimming about 9:30 or 10 at night right before the pool closed LOL. We almost always had our privacy. So, yay for the personal pool LOL.

Plus, we’re having our family’s 4th of July party this year. My brother and sis-in-law had always had the party there, so we’re just continuing the tradition and having it in the same place. As far as I know, we’re the only family members to have a pool AND deck now, so it looks like we're pretty much it for the summer get-togethers. I don't mind. I have always wanted to host family parties. Any parties, for that matter.

We might also be hosting my friend’s little boy’s birthday party the very next day. He heard we had a pool and decided he was having his party there. I thought it was a good idea also, and told my friend that we'd love to host it. It's going to be a little stressful having parties two days in a row, but I think it will be alright. It depends on how much food I have to make for both, and if I can keep the 2nd day's pre-prepared food from being eaten by curious first-day kids. Who knows... if he still decides to have the party at our house, we'll work it out.

Wish I'd Been There

Found at

Oreo Spill Shuts Down Illinois Highway
Police: Truck Driver Fell Asleep At Wheel
POSTED: 9:40 am EDT May 19, 2008

MORRIS, Ill. -- A trailer loaded with 14 tons of double-stuffed Oreos overturned, dumping boxes of cookies all over the road and the median about 50 miles southwest of Chicago. It shut down the highway and backed up traffic. Illinois State Police said the truck crashed after the driver fell asleep at the wheel.

Anyone who knows me knows that Oreos are my favorite cookies. I'd have been all over that highway.

Monday, May 19, 2008

How to Deal with Impossible People

This is from
I think it's relevant to my current situation. LOL.

How to Deal With Impossible People
We all know impossible people. They tend to share three main characteristics: They cannot be reasoned with, they believe they can do no wrong, and they are convinced that everything is someone else's fault. If you haven't had some first-hand experience in dealing with such people, even a brief conversation can raise your blood pressure through the roof. These people may also be known to some as narcissists. Here are some insights and steps for dealing with these highly difficult people.

Recognize that impossible people exist; you will eventually encounter them. There isn't a thing you can do about it. The first step is all about facing reality: If you think you might be dealing with an impossible person, you're probably right. When in doubt, proceed as instructed below. The headaches you save will be your own.

Be aware that some people simply aren't compatible. Sometimes, a person who gets along with everybody else quite well is an impossible person for you personally. Most relationships between people contain many shades of gray, but some people simply mix as well as oil and water. It is common to hear your impossible person proclaim that "Everyone else likes me." This is an attempt to shift the blame to you, so don't buy it. It doesn't matter how this person interacts with others. The fact is, the way the two of you interact together is terrible. Remember that blame never changes the facts. To counter this, tell them that it is a logical fallacy, or specifically an *Ad hominem.

Understand that it's not you, it's them. This can be surprisingly difficult, considering that impossible people have complete mastery of blaming skills. If you're dealing with an impossible person, you're probably being told on a regular basis that every conceivable thing is your fault. It isn't. As the saying goes, "It takes two to tango." Chances are, the more often they blame you, the more they themselves are actually at fault. Keep in mind that this is not to be used as a way to blame them. Blaming is what impossible people do, and they do it well. Instead, you are only facing the facts, for your own sake. That being said, here's a simple way to tell: If you accept responsibility for your own faults and resolve to improve yourself, it's probably not you. Remember, impossible people can do no wrong.

Realize that you cannot deal with impossible people the same way you deal with everyone else. In some ways, they need to be treated like children. Give up all hope of engaging these folks in any kind of reasonable conversation. It will never happen, at least with you. Remember what happened the last fifty times you tried to have a civilized discussion about the status of your relationship with this person. Chances are, every such attempt ended in you being blamed for everything. Decide now to quit banging your head against a brick wall.

You can read the rest of it at I'm not posting the rest of it b/c it's not my work and it's too dang long.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's hard being famous

Our band is famous now. Check out the Youtube posting below. This is our band performing "The Captains and the Kings" by Leroy Anderson for the Leroy Anderson Centennial Celebration.

I am not playing piccolo this time. I am the second from the left on row 1. I wasn't focused on (thank goodness), but you can see my hair every once in awhile.

You can find all of our current videos at:

Saturday, May 17, 2008

You haven't missed me at all?

Disclaimer, again..: NOT my story. Found at,2933,356375,00.html

Woman's Dead Body Lies in Flat for 35 Years
Friday, May 16, 2008

ZAGREB, Croatia — Governments have changed. War erupted and ended. Neighbors had children, and then grandchildren. But Hedviga Golik never left her tiny apartment in Croatia's capital — until her mummified body was carried out this week, 35 years after she died.
Police said Friday that no one ever reported Golik missing and no one has come to claim her body.

Residents of her loft building in downtown Zagreb had broken into Golik's flat after deciding that the apartment should belong to them, and not to her. Startled by the remains in bed, they called police.

Forensics experts said Golik likely died in 1973, about the time a neighbor last saw her. Expert Davor Strinovic said she seemed to have died of natural causes, but "it's almost impossible to say for certain" after so much time.

Some of Golik's neighbors claimed she had talked about going abroad.

Experts said her windows had been open, likely diminishing the smell. It remained unclear who — if anyone — was paying her bills and who exactly owned the apartment. In the 1970s, when Golik died, apartments were state-owned.

Neighbors now argue the apartment should be divided among the remaining tenants.

The discovery of Golik's body on Tuesday prompted media debates on how it is possible for a woman to die so long ago without anyone noticing. One local journalist said it showed people were becoming more alienated.

"My dear neighbors! Please keep on being curious and a bit tiresome, as you have been so far," Merita Arslani wrote in the Jutarnji list daily.

Now, REALLY. That's just messed up and sad. I sure do hope that SOMEONE over 35 years would notice me missing. If you normally talk to me all the time, and I haven't told you I'm not talking to you again, and you haven't heard from me in a year, then I'm dead and you need to send someone to find my shallow-buried body. Seriously. PLEASE look for me.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Doggie Chronicles, Part II

Doggie Training update: Hub got a chain for the fence that Fiona keeps trying to get out of. Well, not so much trying, as succeeding, really. She actually pushed her way out of it three times already. I could have beaten her the 2nd time she did it. I had to chase her down the opposite street in my car. She got a BIG spanking when I finally convinced her to get in the car.

I’m not sure why she hasn’t done it around me again, but it might just be that I keep her distracted. I’m not sure. Hub said that she tried it again with him when she thought he wasn’t looking, apparently. She couldn’t get out, though, because we’d already put the chain on by then. So, we know the chain at least works. However, we don’t know how deep of a drive she has to get out. Hey, if the chain does work when we’re not there, then great. We won’t have the need for the invisible fence. However, my fear is that she has a big enough desire to explore that she’d jump the chain-link fence and get out anyway.

We really want to extend the existing 50-70 feet of 6’ tall privacy fence, but right now, we cannot afford it. Depending upon which one we get (of course, in a perfect world, I’d pick the same style as what we already have, but it was expensive), it could go up to 55-60 bucks per 6’ long panel. I do eventually want to put that kind of money into it, as it is an investment that would raise the property value. We might just buy a couple of panels at a time, put them in sporadically, and get it done that way. I am not thrilled about white panels, as I have always wanted maybe a terracotta color scheme, but hey, white works also.

I don’t really like white/neutral colors in the first place. I do like bold neutral, like olives, rusts, etc, but the beige/tan/ecru types, I just don’t like. I grew up with mostly white walls, both apartments I lived in were all white walls, and now that I OWN where I live, we went with middle-of-the-road green for our living room. If you feel froggy, then look up Lowe’s Valspar “Garden of Paradise” color. That is exactly what we used.

House gripe (they do exist!): I don’t appreciate our crawlspace door. First of all, it’s wooden and is by NO means secure. It’s just a wooden panel that we have to push into the opening. It is very loose and has fallen many times. Fiona might have been a factor as well. Maybe she saw it partly open and fiddled it the rest of the way open. I’d like to get something with a latch, or get latches for the door we have, or just get a more secure lockable door. Do those exist? Someone school me if they don’t exist.

Dang, I wanted to write more, but my workload just blew up. Later.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Need... SLEEPY! / Doggie Chronicles, Part 1

I am at a thought impasse. I had insomnia the night before (maybe for the first time in my life). I finally went to bed when my body told me I was tired… by about 2:30 AM. How is it that I go to bed when my body tells me to do so but I’m still about to fall out from sleep deprivation this morning? I must have cleaned half the house. I was up MOPPING at 2 in the morning. Fiona, the dog, had gone to sleep 4 hours before. Geez. Well, I’m paying for it today, that's for sure.

Change of subject...

To give you an idea of what we're going through with Fiona and her transition to our household from the "streets," take a look at what I posted on about her. You'll get more information later... and pictures! I finally found my camera cable in our remaining boxes from the move and uploaded 500-ish pictures from my data card, which is everything I took from January to present.

Breaking in a New Home
Fiona: Mix

Hi! My name is Fiona, and I just got a new home on March 26th, 2008. I was a stray for awhile. I had a good home, but for some reason, I just didn't stay there. I even know some of my commands and not pee-peeing in the house! Mommy adopted me from a lovely family who had rescued me from the streets. They had been holding onto me until someone like Mommy and Daddy came along to take me to my furever home. I am so glad they saved me! I was getting tired of worrying about food and where I would hide from the mean, loud rain. Mommy tried to figure out my real name, but I wouldn't help her out. She's teaching me to learn my new name.

So now I am home with Mommy, Daddy, and these two furry things they call cats. Oh, how I despise them! But anyway, Mommy and Daddy put me in the grrrage for a week or so until their friend lent them my crate. I decided I didn't like that stupid grrrage, so I proceeded to try and dig my way out of it. Did you know there is funny white stuff in the panels of the garage door? It sticks to my body when i roll in it, and I love it. Daddy informed Mommy that it was a styrofoam panel, whatever that is, and that it was rooinned. Why would they use a bunch of french words anyway? Hoomans are weird. So I checked out another panel while I was at it... on the other door. It might have had a different taste, you know. It didn't, though. I was disappointed. Mommy used french words again.

Mommy got my crate later, so I finally got to go inside. Yay! I was checking out the soft covers on the floor they called carpet, testing its sleep and clawing factors. Both tests were positive. I can, in fact, sleep on it and claw it. I also found that bamboo window covers don't taste so good. I left those stoopid pieces in a pile in front of the window for Mommy and Daddy to find... same for the 2 inch plantation blinds. I have had those before, but these had a more expensive taste. I don't think I'll be eating those again. Mommy rasied them too high now. I just can't help it when they leave me alone. I have this thing where I don't like to be alone too long or to be closed up too long. I tried to get through my door once also. Daddy said he has to take it off and reepaynt it.

So, about these "cats." Mommy and Daddy love on them and pick them up all the time. I don't like that at all! I'm in my crate having to behave or sleep, and there they are free and having a good time! So I decided that I was going to show them what's what. I broke out of my crate and chased them all over the house! I woke up Daddy barking at them while they were under the bed. Ha - I showed them! I didn't hurt them, though. I made Mommy cry when she found out at work. She got scared and stopped trusting me. She's decided SHE'S the top dog now and has been making me sit ALL the time now anytime I want something. I don't know who she thinks she is, but she's doing what I heard her say were submishun exrrsizes. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to be a baddog when she's gone.

More later!

Date: 08-May-08
Age: 2
Sex: female
Home: South Carolina, United States (USA)
Damage: $1,000.00

Friday, April 18, 2008


I have lately only posted something if it's semi-profound, means something to me, etc.

This is just dang funny.

Neighbors Fork Over Payback Prank
3,000 Forks Planted In Yard

Friday, March 28, 2008

March Update (just barely)

This is my favorite picture of the day. Hub and I have been perusing this dang website every day.

Humorous Pictures
see more crazy cat pics

Oh - in the past 6 weeks, we moved into our house and got a dog LOL. I'll provide more details later. I am at work, and the last thing I want to do is get busted over my dang blog.

See ya later.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pid Chronicles

Here's a potentially scary, but happy-ending kitty story.
Cat Accidentally Travels in Dad's Suitcase

Thursday, January 17, 2008

House Update

I forgot to update before now, but we actually did close on our house!! We are now officially homeowners (and gain all the extra bills that entails).

Monday, January 14, 2008

Quotes I like

Myspace Quotes, Glitter Graphics, Hello Comments, Dividers, TagWorld layouts, and HTML codes

Myspace Quotes, Glitter Graphics, Hello Comments, Dividers, TagWorld layouts, and HTML codes

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Stuff

I inherited some jewelry from my great aunt and my grandma yesterday. Most of it is costume, I'm sure, but it's all gorgeous. I could totally see myself wearing them, too. I got to pick pieces out of a HUGE amount of jewelry. I'll have to post pics of them when I can.

The funniest thing I got out of that deal was that my Great Aunt Helen was a classy woman with TINY fingers. I don't have man hands or anything, but the rings I saw of hers MIGHT fit my pinkie.

Oh yeah. We're supposed to close on our home tomorrow. Wish us luck that everything goes well without anymore hiccups. We have had plenty enough of those for two mortgages. If all goes well, we will be homeowners by this time tomorrow.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


I am consumed with getting rid of clutter lately. Tonight, I am accomplishing that by scanning my music. Anything that is not bound up in a book is getting scanned, page by page.

Don't worry, all you copyright fiends. This is my music... bought and paid for. Find someone else to sue. Ha!

Anyway, it doesn't really look like I am doing much with de-cluttering, but I really am. You have NO idea how much music I have hanging out here. I took it with me from my parent's house and I never really dealt with it. I just pulled some out to play now and again, but never took it further than that. Some people have comic books. I have sheet music.

We organized our DVDs last night as well. Wow, that was a task. We bought a third case for our widening collection. What would have taken up literally a large half of someone's closet now fits into a 2x2x2 cube. I think it's somewhere around 400 DVDs, at last count. Yikes. All good stuff, though. I can't blame us for pretty much any of those we bought (except a couple!).

7 hours later and I am done scanning for tonight. On to the kitchen and bathroom floors. I might need an old priest and a young priest.

Marine's Silent Drill Team

Being in marching band for half of my life, I'm a sucker for a good drill team. The opening scene of "A Few Good Men" is a great example. Here's a live version for your viewing pleasure.
USMC Silent Drill Platoon

Friday, January 04, 2008

2nd favorite news post

Let me preface this article with "no kidding!"

The Wii Elbow

The lazy buggers are finally getting up and doing something quasi-strenuous! Bless their little hearts. They have tired muscles. It's called a workout.

Mr. Potato Head runs for VeePee

This is my favorite news post of the day (so far!)
Mr. Potato Head

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Precious Snowplow?

I never thought I'd say 'aww' over a snowplow, but check this out.
Autonomous Snowplow

Quiz fun

Ooo - go to Fun Trivia. I get to play daily quizzes against my co-workers. You can, too (but not against mine). Have fun!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 #1

Happy New Year!

My first post of the new year. I missed Christmas here, but that's cool. I didn't miss it at home! Josh got me a Kitchenaid mixer (woohoo!), and I got him a PSP. I think I have played it more than he has, though!

We just got back from D's for New Year spaghetti. Yummy stuff, though I am about as full as I can be. I don't want to look at any other food for days.

I haven't decided if I want to have any resolutions. The only one I can think of at the moment is 'stop keeping stupid stuff.' As in duplicate items, junk, unnecessary bills, old clothes, etc. I think I am accumulating too much. Oh well, this is for another time.

After a very rough year for me, I have decided to not only go back on CRON, but to continue my 101 in 1001 list. These are two things that are important to me, and I have let them both go due to stress. I do have to review the 101 list to see if I have accidentally done any of it. That would be a nice oopsie.

Yeah... anyway... Happy New Year and all! I must get some things done tonight before bed, so I'm calling it early. Nighty.