Well, my bro's birthday was on Sunday the 23rd (OMG - the number 23!!! It's everywhere!!!). I got him apple butter, but he doesn't know it yet. Um, yeah, so bro - pretend you didn't read that part. I got it from a N.C. orchard on Sunday with D. We went to pick apples, but alas, no apples on the trees, so we bought them from their barn. Oh well. I still have many delicious apples in my kitchen now. Plus, we stopped by a fruit/veggie stand and bought peaches, potatoes, and tomatoes. I will go a long way for good fruit. ☺ (i just learned the smiley this week!)
I have added a blog widget capability to my blog today. See? Over on the left side? You will use it to turn me into a widget for your desktop. Yes, you will...
I am going back to my CRON commitment and my '101 in 1001' list. I had abandoned a lot of things after PaPa died, and I am making myself go back to just about everything. I have to re-examine my 101 list to see what I have done recently (probably not much since I'm just getting back up on my emotional feet). I've decided that I cannot abandon my goals and such. He wouldn't have wanted that. Some people say that to make themselves feel better, but I know it's true for all of us. He would have been almost embarrassed if he'd known how much attention he got after he died.
We are in the middle of filling out the necessary paperwork for home loan pre-approval. I am kind of nervous about it, actually. I am doing some serious finger-crossing. You should, too, because a KiKi with a house = happier KiKi.
Our Gatlinburg trip is coming up in about 5-6 weeks. Yay! I'm excited to go somewhere that is not here. I love Greenville, but sometimes you just have to get away.
That's it for now. ☺☺☺
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