Poor me... no more iPod. It sits here like a little lump of used-up metal. My hubby's iPod taunts mine. My iPod feels inferior.
We have a broken couch as well. It actually fell apart when we sat on it. It'd been slowly weakening, and finally, one of the wooden pegs holding it up split in two and crashed the couch to the ground. I had to take off the other three pegs, so it's no 6-8 inches shorter. Our behinds probably come close to touching the floor when we sit on it now. It's 15 years old, at the very least. Our whole living room suit used to belong to my Mom-Mom and Pa-Pa. They gave it to us, and they'd had it for a long time prior. It has been well worth its cost. You can't knock free things!
Time to get my red couch, finally! LOL - time to have a set that actually matches the things we've bought.
The money piggy has been re-established. Proverbial crack in the piggy from the last piggy bust-out has been repaired, and the count is:
$ in the Piggy: $300.00 - official marshmallow (mattress) fund. No, I don't believe in putting something like that on a credit card. Besides, I don't have credit card debt... why, you say? Because I don't have any credit cards (besides our jewelers card that has had no balance since we got our wedding bands paid)! It's funny how that works. If I don't have the money, I don't get the item. Yeah, I have suffered sometimes, but I've never starved or been stranded. I have learned to make the most of what I have. One can learn to adapt when they have no other choice.
Wanted CDs: River by Sarah McLachlan, The Fray, possibly Teddy Geiger
That's all... g'night!
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