Wanted CDs: River by Sarah McLachlan, The Fray, possibly Teddy Geiger
That's all... g'night!
I can't even think right now of how much this cost me... yikes.
Anyway, I also meant to say in my last post that I finally grew the required length of hair to donate to Locks of Love. So I took myself in all my red-headed, tangled glory and had it whacked two weekends before Christmas. I donated 10 inches of hair and had an additional 2-3 cut off for styling. My hair hasn't been this short since 6th grade!
I feel - SO - much better now. I was getting incredibly irritated with my long hair. For some reason, it was getting more and more unmanageable by the day. Plus, I really wanted a shorter style anyway, so having it get longer and longer was a pain. The ONLY thing that kept me from cutting it off six inches ago was the fact that I was donating it.
I actually ate normal food today as well. Since I've been sick, I couldn't bring myself to eat anything of substance. I think I got my nutrition from Nyquil and Sprite. I finally discovered the joy of Saltine Crackers and Popsicles the day before I tried to go back to work.
Oh yeah - in December, while I was on vacation in Pigeon Forge, TN, I dropped my iPod Mini into a bubbly jacuzzi tub and left it there, without knowledge, for about 20-30 minutes.
Needless to say, it's toast.
FYI: Electronics and vibrating water vessels do not mix.