Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Rainy Tuesday
One of my good friends from band (one of the instructors from two years ago) called me and asked if I went to Eddie’s memorial service. First of all, I wish I had. Oh yeah, and he was buried this past Friday, August 26th, two weeks and one day after his death in Afghanistan. Wow, it takes a body so long to get home from there. But when she called, all the thoughts of Eddie came back and I was almost back where I started. I am a little better now, but it was hard at first. I saw pictures of his funeral online. It was hard to look at my friends going through something so sad. I’ll post more links to Eddie later on.
Geez – it’s REALLY windy here. We’re getting remnants of Hurricane Katrina, now TS Katrina, I guess. It just stopped down-pouring as well. Macy’s probably hiding and Lucy’s probably crying. She does when she wants attention, and she always ends up getting it! We had ants in the apartment (commonplace in SC) and they were making a trail on the kitchen floor. I found that after hearing Lucy cry in the kitchen (the first time I’d ever heard her do that). I ran to see what was wrong and she was looking at the ant line and crying (not whining or vocalizing, but crying!).
I can’t think of anything more to write. LOL
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Too Much Laundry For One Night
I set up my new scanner today (the one my Dad gave me). I love it! After I've scanned something, I'm not sure how to make it look like a 4x6 picture instead of an 8.5x11 page with a 4x6 stuck to the top of it, though. I'll have to check out the owner's manual, I guess!
I bought my Dad a bunch of cool South Carolina Gamecocks-themed stuff... address labels, notepad, squishy pillow, stickers. I'm going to give it to him as part of his Christmas present. He LOVES Gamecocks. I do, too, though we live closer to Clemson (rival) than USC. He'd never dare root for Clemson!
Time to go - Josh just got home and I've only seen him for about two hours today! More tomorrow...
Midnight in the garden of blogging and late-night snacking
The marching band I help instruct did SO well on Friday during the game. I had fears about them going on last night, but they pulled it off! We all were proud of them. I look forward to the competitions we have coming up in October.
We celebrated (for the 2nd time) Josh's birthday at his mom's home today. He and I went out on Thursday, his official date, by going out to dinner and opening his presents. His mom made fried chicken and baked macaroni (at Josh's request) and his sister and bro-in-law came over as well. Nice time had by all!
Afterward, I ditched Josh at his mom's and headed over to meet my parents at a funeral home for one of our family friend's visitation. This woman, Barb, knew me as a baby (in fact, knew my mom and dad right after they were married, I believe) and has always been such a great person.
I picked up Josh and we scurried over to Mom and Dad's where Dad presented us with a color scanner - woo-hoo! He got a new one and let us have his original (nothing wrong with it, just that he found an all-in-one scanner/copier/fax and had no use for this one).
Did you like my synopsis?
Oh yeah, and I burned my very first Audio CD-R tonight! ::scattered pathetic applause:: Thank you, thank you. I'd like to thank my Dell for making this possible, and I'd like to thank Maxell for making my CD-R purchase require reading glasses to see if it'll play in my car. Thank you so much!
Ok - yeah - that's enough fun for tonight. More in the exciting life of a 28 year old fogey tomorrow!
Friday, August 26, 2005
I don't even have to tell you how much this pisses me off!
Cat Survives Sword Attack
Arvada Man Faces Felony, Misdemeanor Charges
UPDATED: 10:51 am EDT August 26, 2005
ARVADA, Colo. -- An Arvada man chased a cat around the house with a two-foot-long sword, stabbing it several times, police said Thursday.
Richard Davis, 38, faces a felony charge of aggravated cruelty to animals and a misdemeanor charge of criminal mischief following the incident, Denver television station KMGH reported.
Police were called out at 4 a.m. on Aug. 17 and arrested Davis after finding a house cat named Precious stabbed six times.
According to people living in the home, the cat had recently given birth to a litter of kittens and scratched and bit a woman who brought home a stray kitten.
Police said the woman was the fiancee of Davis, who became incensed and chased Precious through the house, wounding it severely.
The woman turned over ownership of Precious and her kittens to Planned Pethood Plus, which managed to save the cat's life and is caring for it while it recovers.
Davis is being held at the Jefferson County Jail, according to police.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Holy Crap! An Earthquake!
Earthquake Rocks Western Carolinas
Quake Measures 3.8 On Richter Scale
POSTED: 12:03 am EDT August 25, 2005
UPDATED: 9:07 am EDT August 25, 2005
HOT SPRINGS, N.C. -- If you thought you felt the earth move Wednesday night, you were right.
An earthquake struck the western Carolinas and northeast Georgia just after 11 p.m., causing some scares but very little damage.
According to the United States Geological Survey, the quake's epicenter was about 2 miles from Hot Springs, N.C., which is about 25 miles north-northwest of Asheville.
Preliminary reports indicate the quake took place about 3 miles below the ground and reached a magnitude of 3.8.
The area where the quake occurred has been previously identified by the USGS as having a higher potential for earthquakes than much of the surrounding region.
People across the Upstate and as far south as Augusta reported rattling dishes and glasses, and many said they could feel the tremor coming as it approached.
Others closer to the epicenter described the event as being like a bomb hitting their home.
The quake's duration was reported to be anywhere between 7 and 20 seconds.
The North Carolina Highway Patrol reported a rockslide on Highway 209 in Madison County, near the epicenter of the quake. Scattered power outages were also reported, mainly near the epicenter.
The USGS said a considerably smaller 1.6 magnitude quake happened Tuesday evening about 50 miles west of Wednesday night's epicenter.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Fool me more than twice!
Things are looking better today – just in time for Josh’s birthday, as well. I'm planning a nice dinner and birthday cake (he likes carrot cake).
My scheduling problem with the band got so bad yesterday that I walked into practice completely prepared to quit (it’s not like I wanted to, but I didn’t see any other choice). The director talked to me and told me that if she had me once a week, she’d be fine, as long as I am there for the football games and competitions, which weren’t a problem anyway, since they didn’t occur during work time (try saying all that in one breath!).
I feel a lot better today. I was even able to talk about Eddie yesterday, which is a huge step. Any other time I’d thought about him, I had this huge lump in my throat and I knew it’d be a short matter of time until I cried. Now, I can look at his picture and yeah, I’m still sad, but I am also thankful that we had him in this world for as long as we did.
Just got back from lunch, loved on the kitties, watched some People’s Court, had some Burger King. All in all, it was a good hour.
Oh yeah, you’ll laugh at this. I downloaded overnight what I read as The Hobbit 2006 Trailer (some of you might have done the same thing). I was excited that Peter Jackson was finally able to make the movie! I looked at it, and it was AWESOME. I text-messaged Josh to brag that I watched the trailer for it and he hadn’t yet. He called me back and told me it was probably fake. He said he’d seen one that had parts of the original movies and some from Dragonslayer and/or Reign of Fire awhile back; which, looking back, was EXACTLY what I saw!! I feel so dumb! Either way, though, fake or real, it looked good. If Peter Jackson makes the movie look anything like that fake trailer, then it’s going to be excellent. Truthfully, it makes me look forward to seeing the real movie even more.
New song of the day: Omnisoul: Waiting (Save Your Life). I love it! Oh yeah, and the entire Dragonheart soundtrack.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Monday part 2
I guess it’s just my week to get crapped on…
I’ve been trying to adjust both my work and band schedules so that I can do both while not losing any time at either. Today I found out I can’t do it the way I’d planned. My boss (who I love to death, by the way, so don’t get me wrong… it’s not her fault) told me there wasn’t any way they could let me work earlier AND take time off on the early days. I understand, but it was the only way I could get the whole band season in. I really don’t want to disappoint my band kids. I didn’t let on to my boss that it bothered me, but it really does. I don’t know what I’m going to do about it.
I waited in line at Wendy’s for a half hour (which really wasn’t a big deal), but then I get to the counter and hear “our credit machine is down”, like they have never heard of the manual swipers (you know, those old back and forth swipers that use carbon sheets. I guess no one does that anymore? Like I said, no big deal, and I literally had just enough cash to pay for my meal. Lucky me, I only have an hour for lunch, so I’m glad it worked out that way instead of having to take something back to work.
Oh yeah, and then I accidentally spilled water on someone’s desk. It’s like one of those slow-mo events… you know what’s going to happen, and yet, you can’t do anything about it. Imagine me saying “Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooo” in a really low voice and you’ll get the picture. Granted, it wasn’t A LOT of water, but it’s the perfect day to do so, right?
Josh had a drug test today for his upcoming new job this morning after jumping off my car. He said they cut, not pulled, about 200 hairs from his head. The brain children are going to have to do mitochondrial tests if they need anything to do with DNA. I don’t know a lot about drug tests yet, but I would have imagined they’d pull roots and make it easier on themselves to get a full substance history. Maybe they don’t need it like DNA analysts do. That's why I don't make the drug tests bucks. :)
Sad Story for the day
Ok, so there wasn't a part 2 for Friday
Here's my Monday morning synopsis -
- I lent Josh my car last night to go to Blockbuster and Bi-Lo (grocer). Apparently, he left the lights on (He's not REALLY that dumb, since his car has those lights that turn off automatically - he just forgot he was in my car instead of his, I guess)!! I had to make him drive back between orientation at his soon-to-be new job and going to regular work to jump my car off since there was no one else I knew had cables at home.
So, I didn't get to go to the bank to make my deposit b/c of that. I hope my Kazaa subscription doesn't come through before I get my band checks in the bank (by the way, if anyone knows a way to make Kazaa run faster besides using Morpheus through Kazaa, let me know - 4kb/s is NOT cutting it)!
- I arrived at work (only 7 minutes late, thank you very much) and suddenly had this overwhelming feeling of - well, I don't know what - dread, depression, Monday Blues? I've never really had Monday Blues b/c I love my job, but I don't know what else to attribute it to. I know I had a slow start today (and Kazaa pissed me off), but geez! I'm not even that sensitive!
My other theory is that Eddie's death has subliminally hit me a little harder than I thought. I was looking through the Greenville obits for Josh's grandfather and accidentally hit Eddie's instead (their names are close in the obit alphabet). Seeing his picture pop up this morning upset me. I guess it'll take some time.
I'm going to look at pictures of Macy and Lucy to cheer me up - don't fret!
More later - might be as late as when I get off work - who knows?
Friday, August 19, 2005
Friday, Part 1
On the way to work, I passed by my normal places… retirement homes, CVS, gas station, as well a place called Hartness International (some business, does I-don’t-know-what). They own a large open field and usually let the grass get about a foot high before they cut it in the summertime. As I came to it this morning, it looked like about 40 black snakes were rising up from the ground (I couldn’t tell that the grass was high until I got closer to it). I couldn’t help but think, “Why are all of their bodies curved the exact same way?” My other thought was that it looked like that popular faked picture of the Loch Ness monster multiplied by 40. As I got closer, I figured it out – they were grazing Canadian Geese!! Duh – I should have known – they hang out there and our apartment complex on a regular basis. I wish I’d had my camera with me – it would have been a funny photo.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Good news
Catching up
1st:: Marching band camp went really well. The new director is great. She gets the kids “in line.” By the end of the 2nd day, she had them marching so well that I was astonished. Although some of them reverted back to their seemingly uneducated marching ways, most kept using the tips she gave them and have continued improving day by day. The field show is ¼ finished and well on its way to being finalized on the field. The 2nd movement will be on the field by next week (it would have been yesterday, but lightning made us send them all home – nothing worse than tubas and flag poles becoming lightning rods). I am excited about this year.
2nd: Josh’s grandfather died on 8-11. Josh’s mom left him a message at our home and I got it later on when I got there. I called Josh, and by that time, his grandfather had died only five minutes before. Even though Josh was not close to his grandfather, it was still hard for him to witness the pain his mother was going through. The service at the church was very nice.
3rd: One of my very good friends from band, Sgt. Eddie Heselton, was killed in Afghanistan on Thursday, 8-11. He was a wonderful trombone player. He left behind his wife and one year old daughter, as well as his parents and an older brother named Charlie, older sister named Carla (one of my fellow Girl Scout members from elementary school) and a younger brother named Andy (one of my band students up until the year before last). Eddie was such a kind person. In fact, I never heard anything bad come out of his mouth. He was a highly spiritual person who thought pretty much anything could be done with just a little faith in oneself. He had a car repair business with a friend. Today is his memorial service, and he’ll be buried at Arlington. Here is the link to his obituary and picture (which I'll post as soon as I can) if anyone wants to take a look. http://news.greenvilleonline.com/obits/obits.php?content=obittext&id=86176.
The world has lost a very special, talented person. I will miss Eddie very much.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Harry Potter 5
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
The Fabric of our Lives?
Macy is addicted to Q-tips. He chews off the cotton on both ends and leaves the sticks for Mommy to find.
Here are the warning signs that your piddy has an addiction:
- He steals Q-tips from his mommy and daddy's hands.
- He has Q-dar (radar) and finds them in a trash can.
- He tips over the holder on the bathroom sink and spreads them all over the sink and floor.
- He jumps into the linen closet to find the extra Q-tip box and steals them.
I swear he's going to crap a cotton ball one day.
(Don't worry - I had him checked out - apparently, the cotton "exits" just fine.)
I'll post the evidence as soon as I can catch him "white-handed."
BBQ Party
Gravediggers held BBQ in cemetery
Gravediggers in a Belgian city have been criticised for holding a barbecue party in a cemetery.
It follows a complaint from a couple who visited the cemetery at Merksem, Antwerp, to visit the grave of their son.
François and Magda Boljau were shocked to find the gravediggers holding a party in a shed at the cemetery, reports Het Nieuwsblad.
Mrs Bolijau said: "It was happening only 15 metres from his grave. The music of 'Sex bomb, sex bomb' was coming very loud from the loudspeakers.
"Children were playing between the graves. I couldn't stand it and ran away in tears."
Alderman Erwin Pairon, who is responsible for Antwerp's cemeteries, said he was very annoyed with the gravediggers.
The gravediggers insisted they held a party every year in the same shed and that nobody had complained before.
But Alderman Pairon said: "Next year, they have to move. I understand it is very upsetting for the parents to have to listen to a party when they came to mourn."
Blue Lobster
Blue Lobster Caught
A rare blue lobster has been caught by fishermen in the US.
The crustacean owes its colour to a gene found in just one in five million of the creatures.
The female is housed at the Audubon Society Centre in Bristol, Rhode Island, US reports the Mirror.
Centre director Jeffrey Hall said: "Now that it's come out with this brilliant blue colour, it's attracting a lot of attention."
Story filed: 10:36 Wednesday 3rd August 2005 -->
This is as close as I could find for a blue lobster - cool, right?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Alter Bridge Lyrics
Butterfly (This makes more sense)
You're a Butterfly!
Fragile and beautiful, you work as a good-luck charm for those
around you. People are always happy to see you and sometimes beseech you to reach
out to them as a blessing for their day. Though you are proud of your reputation,
you strive not to forget your own humble beginnings and remember that not so long
ago, everyone looked down on you. All you can do is appreciate the metamorphosis
you made now that you're on its good side. You adore stained-glass
Take the Animal Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.
I'm a duck! (This makes no sense, but it's funny anyway)
You're a Duck!
Incredibly versatile and capable of carrying yourself over almost any surface of the Earth, you are a born traveler. As you journey far and wide, you tend to try to follow the climate to keep things mild and temperate. While you were always told you were ugly at a young age, you've since managed to grow out of it. You now find orange to be a very favorable color for shoes. Lately you've come to be caught up in the petty peddling of unnecessary insurance.
Take the Animal Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.
Book Update
Oh yeah, I'm leaving work early today. We do this thing during the warm months called "Spring Fling", where you can work thirty minutes extra every day of the week and get off (including your lunch that day) a half day early one day that week. That's what I'm doing, and I'm splitting up my half day between today and Thursday.
Tonight, the marching band has a booster club meeting (parental and financial support system: aka: where my paycheck comes from). We're meeting our new director as well. Hopefully, she'll whip this band into shape like it has needed for a long time. Also, band camp next week! I have a whole week of vacation set aside just for camp. Though, I'm missing the next week, probably all of it, too. It's either that or miss some of the away football games as I don't have THAT much vacation time... I'd have to dip into my sick time, and I was sorry I took that step last year when it came time for my allergies to hit an all-time high. I'm just going to have to prioritize. Either way, I lose $$. We get paid not for the whole week, but for each separate event.
Thursday, we have our last Furman Lakeside concert. I really love being a part of it, but it's always hard for me to rearrange my work schedule to fit the rehearsals and concerts, just like with marching band. In fact, unless I change my actual work schedule, maybe even just 30 minutes earlier, that fact won't change. Wow - if I had just 30 minutes, I could keep so many extra days due only to the Greenville Concert Band that I have every Thursday during the school year, as well as Lakeside. Berea (marching band) would still require some 1/4 and 1/2 days off, but it wouldn't be so hard to work that out if I had the extras left over from these!
Yikes - I have a big mouth today, and I just got here! More later.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Rooster's Revenge
My other thought is - roosters are 3 feet tall?!?!?!?!?!
from www.ananova.com
Rooster fights fox
A 3ft rooster fought off a fox after it broke into his coop.
Rooster Cogburn made sure the fox did not come near his hens reports the Daily Express.
Owner Tim Stone from Shepton Mallet, Somerset said: "I was asleep when I heard a huge commotion. I went outside to see what it was all about and saw fur and feathers everywhere. There was a yelp and I saw the fox limp off. The rooster was strutting around like a boxer after a fight and crowing like mad.
"He didn't have a scratch on him so I can only imagine he beat the fox within an inch of his life. I don't think he'll be coming back."
The bird was named Rooster Cogburn after John Wayne's character in the film True Grit.
What was your first clue?
from www.ananova.com
Fruit salad tree was a hoax
An apple tree which baffled its owner by 'producing plums and blackberries' has turned out to be a hoax.
Harry Tomlinson's tree, in his garden in north Wales, was reported in newspapers and on TV news bulletins.
But close inspection revealed that the plums and blackberries had simply been stuck on.
The identity of the Abergele practical joker remains a mystery.
Dr Colin Norton, of the Welsh College of Horticulture, said: "We're always interested in new plants but this one, from 10 yards away, you can see it's a hoax."
Mr Tomlinson, who is 94, admitted he had been tricked and added: "I think it's a rotten trick."
Book Update ++
Oh yeah - the separate blogger names SEEMED like a good idea at the time, but I don't like that my preliminary profile doesn't come up now. I deleted the home name and will only use The Phantom Piccolo at home and at work.
By the way, I LOVE my wireless mouse at work. So much better than the old crappy one!
James Taylor Homage
Beetle Bug memories
Monday Credit Collection Blues
We have a jewelry account with a large well-known jewelry company for our wedding rings (and a couple of add-ons here and there... watches, etc). It's in my name but Josh pays it, which was the plan all along. We weren't touching his credit for awhile to help him close out an older item on his credit history. In fact, we only just now used his credit this weekend for the new computer. With the exception of one time during the no pay, no interest time and this month, we have made over-the-amount payments AND paid them early. Trust that I am telling the truth, b/c I am not about to lie about my pay history and have it bite me in the butt later on... even somewhere slightly anonymous like my blog.
Anyway, my credit report still shows "paid as agreed" and even "paid 10 days prior to terms" on one occasion (I check my report alot... as you should!). However, our so-called credit manager called me bright and early this morning for payment status. I asked her why she was calling on a perfect account that only once went two weeks beyond terms. For her information, Josh really was taking the payment to the actual store tonight, but I doubted she'd believe that. He was going to mail it in this morning, but we didn't have any stamps since we mostly pay everything online now and hardly ever have a use for stamps. He was going to buy stamps, but didn't have the cash to do it without putting it on his debit card, so he just decided to drive the payment by tonight after work (it's at our local mall, so it'll be open). I did manage to tell her all of that after she asked if we had a joint account that I could pay out of AFTER I said that I'm not taking care of it over the phone b/c my husband deals with the payments on that account even though it's in my name (you know you like run-on sentences!). I proceeded to tell her about the stamps, and then she wanted to know when I was going out and buying the stamps!!!!!! By this time, I was livid. I told her to stop acting like a robot and talk to me like a human being. I said I was getting the stamps, and I didn't know what time of the day I was getting them. I told her she's not getting any more specific payment information than that. She asked again when I was getting the stamps, and that's when I completely lost it. I told her I was picking them up at 12:49 or something, and asked her if that was specific enough for her? She said "If that's what you want me to write down." I finally said "Write it." I hung up on her as she was asking her next question. If I'd said anymore, I'd have had to call my Grandma and PaPa and tell them what a bad Methodist I'd been.
What a way to start out a day! I had to spill the beans to my cubicle-mate, who happens to be our in-house collections person. She said I should have transferred my call over to her LOL. THAT would have been funny.
How sad is it that I pondered over this post for about 30 minutes?