Friday, October 31, 2008

Cameron Brown

Cameron has passed away on October 30th at 10:04PM. Once again, I cannot imagine what this must be like for his family.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Cameron Brown & Liam Fisher

All who read this:

Please keep these two young boys and their respective families in your thoughts and prayers at what must be such a heartbreaking time.
Cameron Brown
Liam Fisher

I cannot imagine what it must be like to entertain the possiblity of losing your child.

Macy Update #2

So far, our boy has been ok.  He is still not happy at all with the antibiotics we have to give him, but he hasn't had any more "episodes" since we starting giving that to him.  Maybe it just had to work its way out of his system. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Poor Filly

Aww, this poor horse! This looks like something I'd do to myself.

Macy update

My boy is ok.  He is either having stress issues or he has a tiny bacterial infection that the vet couldn't detect.  He has to take an antibiotic once a day, which he HATES.  My poor boy.  He got his shots, too, so he was not a happy boy yesterday. 
I'm just happy he's not very sick.  I am extremely attached to him (well, all of them, but he is my first). 

Flashing Lights lead to Robberies

Flashing Lights Lead to Robberies

See, this is why I have a problem with those auctioned-off decommissioned police vehicles. I know that's probably not what was used in this situation, but I would seriously pull over for those cars. They have the blacked-out rear light panels and even the manual spotlight on the front. I have been seasoned to respond to blue lights, but geez... wouldn't the average person stop for those cars, too?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My furbaby

My baby boy kitty, Macy, is at the vet right now with hub. I'll say it nicely by saying that he has had a digestive issue over the last week (in the litterbox area).

He's not a happy boy right now.

Please wish him well in your thoughts. He's my only boy.

All Work, No Play

Ok, maybe you get the pictures next week.  This week, I am spending every waking moment either at work or cleaning my house.  With Halloween coming up and me hosting a jewelry party the next weekend, I have a lot to do.  I am only able to post remotely now because I am at work and cannot clean. 
If it weren't for our pets, I'd have a much cleaner floor, but it's worth it.  I love our babies.  It's not their fault anyway.  I hope "Nature's Miracle" works a miracle or two. 
Oh dang, I just realized I need to plan hors d'oeuvres for the party.  Hmm.  What shall Kiki make/get?  Lemon Pie for sure, veggies, fruit, drinks, nuts?  Sounds like a semi-plan. 
-sigh-  I'm so busy this week.  Geez.  Time to put the DVD player on auto-pilot and start multi-tasking.  No facebook or blogger, no nothing else until I'm done. 
I also realized that I need to get some alternate seating in our house.  The last few things we have had, we havn't had enough seating.  I might have to borrow from my bro this time around until I have a chance to go out and actually purchase something good. 

Guns & Roses and some free Dr. Pepper

LOL - it looks like Dr. Pepper is making good on their promise to give out free Dr. Pepper if Guns and Roses EVER released that long-awaited album of theirs, Chinese Democracy.

Well, long awaited for some. Me? Not so much. I was over GNR by the time Slash and Duff moved on to Velvet Revolver.

As for the free drink, I semi like Dr. Pepper. I migrated to Mr. Pibb until it starting sucking, and never went back to Dr. Pepper since I gave up brown sodas. I might break down and give it another try.. you know, since it's free and all. If I act quickly, that is.

Dr Pepper's Guns N' Roses Promise Won't Go Flat

Monday, October 27, 2008


I just found my remote-post email address again.  Now I can post faster from work and not have to open up the whole dang website.  Sweet. 

Privacy, or not

I think I am slowly losing my anonymity. Well, I couldn't expect much of it when I have my photo on my blog, but I try.

With this thing coming my way, I am going to have to embrace my public-ness. I can handle it. I just have to watch what I say. I don't want something to come back and bite me in the posterior. I mean, if I am linked from our main news source in Greenville, that's about as public as standing on a mouse in downtown.

That being said, I am probably about open myself up and invite my first IRL friend to read up. I doubt if there's anything here she's not already privy to.

It's been too long since you have seen pictures. I shall post some tonight after I hang my Halloween decorations.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Man Dies In Crash On Rain-Slick I-85 Ramp

Check out the link in the title above.

This EXACTLY why I fear crossing this particular section of 85 - I have to use it once a week. There is hardly any on-ramp to be spoken of, and people speed onto 85 like they're in a Mercedes Guard.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I turned 32 today. Next thing in life had better be having kids!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

OPEC and the Life-Sucking Piggy Bank

I was pleased this morning to wake up and find gas at my local Enmart lowered to $2.48 (even though I paid more last night, but that’s cool).

This morning, I read this article at Forbes and giggled a little.

Hub and I had a conversation regarding this issue awhile back. I was still ticked about the prices even though they were dropping. I said
I wouldn't be happy until they were below $2. He said it would never happen. To be honest, I believed him. However, after reading this article, I may not have been far off the mark.

So why did I giggle at you, OPEC? Well, maybe because you've been using Mega Maid to suck the dust bunnies out of my wallet for 4 years and it's time you get hit where it hurts. I guess Mega Maid's gone from suck to blow, eh? How does it feel not to know where your next meal is coming from? No, you're probably not that strapped for cash, dudes, mainly because you have the rest of my money hidden in your mattress, but a lot of us were/are. I at LEAST wanted to buy my hubby a dang Christmas present.

Oh yeah, and speaking of exorbitant - how about cutting France a break, too? $9.33 a gallon. Really?

Sound off South

Cool! I have been "found" by a local website that compiles local blogs. I guess I should write more now! I meant to anyway.

Check them out.

You like me - you really, really like me!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Well, I read all the Twilight books, back to front, times two. I absolutely LOVED all of them. I cannot wait for the first movie to come out on 11-21. My husband and I are going together to watch it. It’s going to be our date night – which brings me to one reason why I’m irritated. However, I don’t want this rant to take anything from that. I truly LOVED reading those books.

That being said -

I have friends *(not from work) that I have gotten into Twilight as well. They want to go see the movie also – which is great. I’m happy for them. However, I have told all of those friends that this is mine and hub’s date night. I suppose, to them, that doesn’t mean as much. To us, it’s a time where we can be alone with just each other. It’s when we splurge – for once – and enjoy our rare, unblemished amount of time where we don’t have to interact with anything or anyone else.

To be honest, I don’t think that’s selfish at all, especially considering how little we get to do it. For instance, I got to go to Charleston with a friend this past Saturday, and hub couldn’t even come with me.

I even brought up the fact that we’re going as our date night. Later on, one of those same people says something like, “yeah, we’ve all got somewhere to be on November 21st, don’t we? Aren’t we all going to see a movie?” Poke, poke; jab, jab. Well, no, we don’t… like I said before, I am not joining a group of folks. We want to be alone. Simple as that.

So, the basic the gripe is that I have told them over and over that this is going to be Josh and me alone. Obviously that’s not going to stop them from going to see it on their own, even at the same theatre. It shouldn’t. That WOULD be selfish of me.

Sometimes, I am oversensitive. Many times, in fact. I don’t think that’s true this time I have explicitly stated that hub and I want to be alone that night, and I keep getting ignored. I just think it’s a little annoying when people push themselves on others and invite themselves to places.


I caught myself about to say something. Should have said it.

Well, I read all the Twilight books, back to front, times two. I absolutely LOVED all of them. I cannot wait for the first movie to come out on 11-21. My husband and I are going together to watch it. It’s going to be our date night – which brings me to one reason why I’m irritated. However, I don’t want this rant to take anything from that. I truly LOVED reading those books.

That being said - I have friends that I have gotten into Twilight as well. They want to go see the movie also – which is great. I’m happy for them. However, I have told all of those friends that this is mine and hub’s date night. I suppose, to them, that doesn’t mean as much. To us, it’s a time where we can be alone with just each other. It’s when we splurge – for once – and enjoy our rare, unblemished amount of time where we don’t have to interact with anything or anyone else.

To be honest, I don’t think that’s selfish at all, especially considering how little we get to do it. For instance, I got to go to Charleston with another friend this past Saturday, and hub couldn’t even come with me.

I even brought up the fact that we’re going as our date night. Later on, one of those same people says something like, “yeah, we’ve all got somewhere to be on November 21st, don’t we? Aren’t we all going to see a movie?” Poke, poke; jab, jab. Well, no, we don’t… like I said before, I am not joining a group of folks. We want to be alone. Simple as that.

So, the basic the gripe is that I have told them over and over that this is going to be hub and me alone. Obviously that’s not going to stop them from going to see it on their own, even at the same theatre.

Sometimes, I am oversensitive. Many times, in fact. I know that. I don’t think that’s true this time. I have explicitly stated that hub and I want to be alone that night, and I keep getting ignored. I just think it’s a little annoying when people push themselves on others and invite themselves to places.

So there. Rant over. I am purged.