Saturday, March 31, 2007

My hubby is awesome!

While I was gone playing the first night of my Easter gig, my hubby finished cleaning our apartment! Bless his heart. :)

He's not just awesome for that, but that was a nice surprise!

Oh, and I got paid for the Easter thing tonight. Woo hoo! That's $200.00 I'm probably spending to have my flute overhauled. Either that or to save up toward my future Burkhart piccolo. Com to think of it, maybe I will put it up for the piccolo.

I just priced it again. With all of the extras I want, it comes to $6300.00 before tax/shipping or the special case ($300.00 for the one I want). Yeah, it's expensive, but it's what I want. If I'm going to get something like that, I may as well get the extras. Plus, I will play SO much better on that one. That may not sound true, but ask any instrumentalist . The better materials that are put into an instrument, the better a person plays on it.

I told Josh about it and he wants to help me get it, but it'll be a long time before I can afford it. I'm just going to save all music related earnings.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New pics of the girls

As I said before, we had a b-day cookout for my Mom on Sunday. Here are a couple of pics of my nieces from that day... maybe even one of Ben, the squishy puppy dog.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Work fun

Here I am at work, slaving the day away. LOL - actually, it's not so taxing today. I DO need to clean my desk, though. All the dust particles have invited their relatives and having a grand time in my personal space. I'll post a pic one day so you can join in the ridicule of my messy mini-kingdom.

On the other hand, I have band practice tonight of a different sort... like the paid sort! I was asked to play in an Easter recital for a local baptist church. How can I say no? I have the nights available, plus it pays $200 for those with perfect attendance. The only downfall is that I don't get the music until 15 minutes beforehand. That wouldn't normally be a problem, but I have no idea what caliber of music to expect. Yikes. I'll update tonight if I have not had a musical breakdown. -mini-shudder-


Well, I think I have finished most of my template. I have at least put everything on the page. I can edit and move later. Woo to the hoo.

See? I promised I'd be back today. 11:30 is still officially today, thank you very much. :)

We had a cookout for my Mom's birthday (actually today) yesterday at my brother's house. I got some adorable pictures of the girls. As soon as I find my cable, I'll upload my newest pictures.

Oh, we got our new furniture already. We went ahead and got everything on an Ashley Furniture account since we don't have to pay interest until 2011. I figure we can easily pay off $3,000 in a year or so and still get Josh a car. Yeah, I said I don't have credit cards, but that's still pretty much true. We have that card, but we won't put anything else on it until the initial amount is totally paid off. Even so, the no-interest part keeps me truthful in saying once before that I don't keep credit card debt. :)

Well, I just started writing, but it's too late to keep going. I have to get up early to take Josh to work if he's called in (gotta love mandatory call-in days).

I'm going to go to sleep in my new PJs. :)


Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm back!

Ok, hopefully, I am back for good. I have gotten over my anger at not having bloggerbot. Yeah, it still sucks not being able to post more than five pics at a time, but I have no choice. Alas, life goes on.

Anyway, I am busy doing the "template upgrade." For the non html-savvy folks such as myself, this idea is perfect. I can go back to being html-lazy and let blogger do all the work LOL.

I'll be back tomorrow.

For real this time!