I've got Edwin McCain in the pod speakers, only 1 phone call at work so far (insert sigh of relief), minor 30 minute meeting… no major issues at all today. Me happy.
Oh, I had a tire blowout on Friday… that was fun.
Marshmallow fund is still $100.00 – it would have been more, but now we’ll need to fork out $100.00 or more toward the replacement of my newly dead tire (still using the doughnut – I fussed about the doughnut all weekend - all I kept saying was "freakin' doughnut tire...").
Hubby opened up his presents on his birthday, and not a moment earlier. I was determined not to let him open them early. I mentioned before that I bought him an iPod. The pids got him an oriental rug-looking bookmark, Schindler’s List on DVD, and the complete works of the Brothers Grimm. That’s a book I’m definitely going to read sometime – I didn’t realize all the stories I heard as a child are, in truth, watered down horror stories. In all, he really enjoyed his birthday. Oh, we went out to eat as well (had the blowout on the way back).
We got the remaining Buffy seasons we wanted as well. We’ve had a season 6 and 7 fest this weekend. I don’t think we watched cable once. Hmm… reality show reruns, Saturday night worn-out movie on a local channel, or Buffy marathon? One wonders why we buy so many DVDs.
I have had a major dilemma with my hair lately. For some reason, I have had the WORST tangled hair I have ever had in my whole hair-bearing life. I thought it might have had something to do with purple dye I recently put in on one side. I don’t think so though, because eventually all of my hair was hard to deal with. I finally decided it was my weak conditioner. I’m sticking with that diagnosis. Now I bought some kind of nexus-humectress something-or-other product. I used it for the first time last night. AMAZING difference, can you believe? I can actually run my fingers through my hair and not have them stick in a 5 second old tangle. Me happy again.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Find your own way out...
No, my titles hardly ever make sense. Deal with it... I do. I can't help myself. I must write the first thing that comes to my mind when I come to the title bar.
Check out my baby niece! Born 7-31-2006 - 8lbs, 13oz.! You'd never know by looking at her now that she's that big. She looks like a 6 lb. baby. She's so precious!

Of course, I had to throw in one of the girls. They're both big sisters now!

She's way too cute for her own good. When she was 2 days old, she was kicking her way over a Boppy (you mommies and daddies probaby know what I'm talking about... a large version of a horseshoe neck pillow). She's so strong!
Ack - no time to write at work anymore today (as far as I can tell - I'm getting swamped.). Later!
Check out my baby niece! Born 7-31-2006 - 8lbs, 13oz.! You'd never know by looking at her now that she's that big. She looks like a 6 lb. baby. She's so precious!

Of course, I had to throw in one of the girls. They're both big sisters now!

She's way too cute for her own good. When she was 2 days old, she was kicking her way over a Boppy (you mommies and daddies probaby know what I'm talking about... a large version of a horseshoe neck pillow). She's so strong!
Ack - no time to write at work anymore today (as far as I can tell - I'm getting swamped.). Later!
Monday, August 21, 2006
News Flash: Kitties chasing their own shadows on the ceiling during power outage - Carri not bored.
I haven't been on in awhile, at least not in any great capacity. I have been working a lot, plus my new niece has been here for 3 weeks now (this also makes us remember how much we want a baby). Of course, I am now occupied! Plus, our apartment is QUITE the definition of a mess lately, with both hubby and I gone on opposite schedules (me 1st, him 3rd shift). One of us is home to make a mess, and neither of us cleans, making this place a little unbearable for awhile. Therefore, I have been pretty busy this week catching up with home chores.
Hubby has been buying more seasons of Buffy for us. We only need 2 more! Yay!
This is what I am buying us for Christmas (no, NOT copying Buffy, as if you need to ask. I AM Irish, after all). It's cute. DON'T steal it. It's a pretty unique design. I'll know by using my little space boots that you've stolen my idea, you thief!

Marshmallow fund - $100.00 out of $800.00 - must... have... marshmallow...
Hubby has been buying more seasons of Buffy for us. We only need 2 more! Yay!
This is what I am buying us for Christmas (no, NOT copying Buffy, as if you need to ask. I AM Irish, after all). It's cute. DON'T steal it. It's a pretty unique design. I'll know by using my little space boots that you've stolen my idea, you thief!

Marshmallow fund - $100.00 out of $800.00 - must... have... marshmallow...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Short thoughts
Yeah- I know I haven't posted in over a month except for the Isaac updates. Sorry!
Random short thought of the day: Has Adrien Brody ever played a vampire? He's definitely look good as an Anne Rice/Buffy type vampire.
David Boreanaz is the best one in my opinion, though. I've been reminiscing with the first 2 seasons of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (that's the only 2 DVD sets of that show that I own). I had forgotten why I love that show! (Angel, too). I have only seen sporadic episodes in the last few years (saw the last episodes of both). My hubby likes it too, so we plan to get the rest of the seasons when we can afford them. I only got the other two at first b/c Angel was in those two seasons so much.
Hubby and I are saving up for a new mattress, which we lovingly call "The Marshmallow." Aforementioned Marshmallow will be coming home with us as soon as we can afford to fork out $729.00 plus tax. We got a $170.00 savings, too, and free delivery b/c we said we'd definitely come back to that same place. Actually, we liked the marshmallow better than some that were 3x that price. Good for us! I'm not trying to a look a gift mattress in the springs, as Pa-Pa gave us our current one for free, but I just cannot sleep on it anymore... never could, really. It's a VERY firm mattress, and I am very curvy, for lack of worse phrases. It kills my back if I sleep on it for more than 2 hours. I used to have Josh get me up from the couch when he came home at 4 in the morning and let me sleep on the bed for just that small amount of time. Now, I just sleep on the couch permanently. A couch which also needs replacing itself... still more comfy than the bed. Josh feels so bad, which is why we're trying to get the marshmallow ASAP.
Honestly, the best mattress I've ever slept on was the one in our honeymoon cabin. It was a big squishy king-size one that when you laid down, you halfway disappeared! I miss that thing. I didn't have this blog when we got married, so I'll have to post some pics later of the cabin we stayed in. It was so beautiful.
All for now! Must work.
I promise to keep better blogging hours from now on. I promise!
Song of the Day: Fuel - Sunburn
Random short thought of the day: Has Adrien Brody ever played a vampire? He's definitely look good as an Anne Rice/Buffy type vampire.
David Boreanaz is the best one in my opinion, though. I've been reminiscing with the first 2 seasons of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer (that's the only 2 DVD sets of that show that I own). I had forgotten why I love that show! (Angel, too). I have only seen sporadic episodes in the last few years (saw the last episodes of both). My hubby likes it too, so we plan to get the rest of the seasons when we can afford them. I only got the other two at first b/c Angel was in those two seasons so much.
Hubby and I are saving up for a new mattress, which we lovingly call "The Marshmallow." Aforementioned Marshmallow will be coming home with us as soon as we can afford to fork out $729.00 plus tax. We got a $170.00 savings, too, and free delivery b/c we said we'd definitely come back to that same place. Actually, we liked the marshmallow better than some that were 3x that price. Good for us! I'm not trying to a look a gift mattress in the springs, as Pa-Pa gave us our current one for free, but I just cannot sleep on it anymore... never could, really. It's a VERY firm mattress, and I am very curvy, for lack of worse phrases. It kills my back if I sleep on it for more than 2 hours. I used to have Josh get me up from the couch when he came home at 4 in the morning and let me sleep on the bed for just that small amount of time. Now, I just sleep on the couch permanently. A couch which also needs replacing itself... still more comfy than the bed. Josh feels so bad, which is why we're trying to get the marshmallow ASAP.
Honestly, the best mattress I've ever slept on was the one in our honeymoon cabin. It was a big squishy king-size one that when you laid down, you halfway disappeared! I miss that thing. I didn't have this blog when we got married, so I'll have to post some pics later of the cabin we stayed in. It was so beautiful.
All for now! Must work.
I promise to keep better blogging hours from now on. I promise!
Song of the Day: Fuel - Sunburn
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Praying for Isaac - Updated 8-6-2006
To EVERYONE who reads this: This is NOT a chain letter - I indirectly know this little boy. I'm post-dating this post b/c I want it to stay on top.
Isaac Clary is a boy who has had some serious medical issues for most of his short life - he was the recipient of a liver transplant, but unfortunately, the donor liver had a virus in it, and ever since then, he has had numerous troubles. Isaac needs everyone's thoughts, well-wishes and prayers. Please click the link at the bottom if you would like to read his story, see his pictures, make a donation, and/or sign his guestbook.
Best news so far: Bone Marrow Transplant has taken place!!!!
Newest I-Man update:
Sunday, August 6, 2006 0:07 AM CDT
Still sore. Isaac is feeling a little better from Wednesdays operations and stuff but he is still pretty sore. He hasn't bled anymore from his sinuses and hasn't vomited anymore blood. He has a huge bruise about the size of a baseball from just below his ear to his chest from where they entered his jugular vein in his neck to place the other central line in his chest. He sat up in the bed today for a couple of hours. His is still receiving oxygen at night time to help with his breathing while he sleeps. He also continues to get a ton of IV fluids and electrolytes. He is on day three of his new treatment and has a couple of more weeks to go. Hopefully he will get out of the hospital then and begin with outpatient again. We are praying that we will begin to see some positive signs from this treatment. He has been though a lot and he is probably one of the bravest people I have ever seen.
We have moved into a house in Florence,KY which is only about 10 miles from Cincy. The doctors have told us that it will be at least 6 more months before we will be leaving. We are trying to make everything as close to home as possible for him and us. Hopefully this will brighten up all of our spirits and give us some semblance of a "normal" life. Although, after being here so long, we're not real sure what that feels like. I have made Isaac some train tables where he can set up his layouts and play just as if he were back at home in his new train room. We have settled in for the long haul with our only concern being that of seeing him healthy. This has made us stronger as parents and a family while at the same time has torn at our hearts. Things before that we thought impossible to go through before now come with ease. As our Pastor Eddie Cox said this past week in his message on storms, we have found a new normal. Our lives in some ways have been reshaped like what happens to a coastline after a hurricane. Like Melissa said the other day, we have to look for the good that comes from the storms.
A guy I graduated college with has a group called Casting Crowns, they have a song called "I'll praise you in the storms" It really says a lot about what we have experienced this past year. I'll admit,it is tough sometimes to look for the good in the midst of the bad. But this past week, Isaac put it all into perspective for Melissa and myself. This past week Isaac woke up from surgery, he was lying there bruised, hurting and even vomiting blood. He looked up at Melissa and asked if they had accessed his port while he was asleep. This is only a needle stick compared to the 2 1/2 hours of surgery he had been through. But he looked up at Melissa and said "I knew it was gonna work out because last night I said a prayer". In spite of all he had been through that day, he saw the good in the storm. Please continue to pray for Isaac and that we would see positive results from this new treatment.
Isaac Clary is a boy who has had some serious medical issues for most of his short life - he was the recipient of a liver transplant, but unfortunately, the donor liver had a virus in it, and ever since then, he has had numerous troubles. Isaac needs everyone's thoughts, well-wishes and prayers. Please click the link at the bottom if you would like to read his story, see his pictures, make a donation, and/or sign his guestbook.
Best news so far: Bone Marrow Transplant has taken place!!!!
Newest I-Man update:
Sunday, August 6, 2006 0:07 AM CDT
Still sore. Isaac is feeling a little better from Wednesdays operations and stuff but he is still pretty sore. He hasn't bled anymore from his sinuses and hasn't vomited anymore blood. He has a huge bruise about the size of a baseball from just below his ear to his chest from where they entered his jugular vein in his neck to place the other central line in his chest. He sat up in the bed today for a couple of hours. His is still receiving oxygen at night time to help with his breathing while he sleeps. He also continues to get a ton of IV fluids and electrolytes. He is on day three of his new treatment and has a couple of more weeks to go. Hopefully he will get out of the hospital then and begin with outpatient again. We are praying that we will begin to see some positive signs from this treatment. He has been though a lot and he is probably one of the bravest people I have ever seen.
We have moved into a house in Florence,KY which is only about 10 miles from Cincy. The doctors have told us that it will be at least 6 more months before we will be leaving. We are trying to make everything as close to home as possible for him and us. Hopefully this will brighten up all of our spirits and give us some semblance of a "normal" life. Although, after being here so long, we're not real sure what that feels like. I have made Isaac some train tables where he can set up his layouts and play just as if he were back at home in his new train room. We have settled in for the long haul with our only concern being that of seeing him healthy. This has made us stronger as parents and a family while at the same time has torn at our hearts. Things before that we thought impossible to go through before now come with ease. As our Pastor Eddie Cox said this past week in his message on storms, we have found a new normal. Our lives in some ways have been reshaped like what happens to a coastline after a hurricane. Like Melissa said the other day, we have to look for the good that comes from the storms.
A guy I graduated college with has a group called Casting Crowns, they have a song called "I'll praise you in the storms" It really says a lot about what we have experienced this past year. I'll admit,it is tough sometimes to look for the good in the midst of the bad. But this past week, Isaac put it all into perspective for Melissa and myself. This past week Isaac woke up from surgery, he was lying there bruised, hurting and even vomiting blood. He looked up at Melissa and asked if they had accessed his port while he was asleep. This is only a needle stick compared to the 2 1/2 hours of surgery he had been through. But he looked up at Melissa and said "I knew it was gonna work out because last night I said a prayer". In spite of all he had been through that day, he saw the good in the storm. Please continue to pray for Isaac and that we would see positive results from this new treatment.
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