I'm sure this is hard to hear for the Cockman family, but I think they deserve to rot in jail, personally. Dying would be an easy out for these two.
Life Sentence Disappointing To Cockman's Family
Judge Imposes Sentence After Jury Can’t Decide
POSTED: 5:57 am EDT June 29, 2006
UPDATED: 6:27 am EDT June 29, 2006
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GREENVILLE, S.C. -- Jennifer Holloway and David Edens will spend the rest of their lives in prison.
Judge John Hayes imposed the sentence of life without parole Wednesday afternoon after a Greenville County jury was unable to agree on a sentence for the couple.
Judge Imposes Sentence
Edens and Holloway were convicted Friday of murder and kidnapping. They killed Greenville businessman Jim Cockman by wrapping his head in 40 feet of duct tape.
Cockman had met the couple in a Greenville County parking lot, thinking they were going to buy a used SUV he was selling.
Prosecutors argued that Edens and Holloway should die for their crimes. But the jury, which took less than two hours to convict the couple, deliberated for more than 10 hours before telling Hayes they could not decide between the two penalties available to them, death or life in prison.
“That is life in prison without the possibility of parole," Hayes said twice, first when Edens, 36, stood before him and then a few minutes later to Holloway, 29.
Cockman’s family said that those weren’t the words they wanted to hear. Cockman’s widow, Cathy Cockman and his daughter, Kimberly Rasmussen, said they hoped the jury would impose the death penalty.
"They could have stopped at his chin,” Cathy Cockman said, describing the way the couple killed her husband. “They could have stopped at his mouth and when he couldn't beg with his mouth, I know he begged with his eyes."
Still, Cathy Cockman said that she is glad that the ordeal is over.
"I'm glad this part is over and I'm very glad that they have no hope.” She told WYFF News 4’s Erin Hartness. “It would have broken my heart if they had any hope of getting out. The fact that they have no hope, that's sufficient for me."
Cockman's daughter says that knowing that is not much comfort to her.
"When you wake up in the morning, it's the first thing on your mind. When you lay down at night, you can't get it out of your head," Rasmussen said.
Cathy Cockman and Rasmussen said that they are not soothed by Holloway’s apology after her sentence was announced.
"I would like to apologize to the Cockman family for what I've done and I'd like to apologize to my family," she said. Edens remained silent after his sentence was read.
“Those words asking for forgiveness from the Cockman family, they just don't ring true to me," Cathy Cockman said.
Edens was required to attend the sentencing on Wednesday, but he had not been in the courtroom since the trial’s first day, opting instead to remain in his cell at the Greenville County Law Enforcement Center.
One defense attorney said that even though the couple’s lives were spared, there is nothing to celebrate about this case.
Solicitor Bob Ariail, who prosecuted the case, said he does not regret seeking the death penalty.
Ariail said both defendants indicated they would have pleaded guilty to life in prison 16 months ago, when the prosecution began, but the solicitor's office felt the death penalty was appropriate.
Now that the case is settled, Rasmussen said that she must begin to move on with her life.
"You go. You just keep going,” she said. “You know, my Dad used to say 'Shake the sand out of your shoes, Honey, and keep going.' I was brought up by that and I live by that."
After closing arguments in the penalty phase on Tuesday, the jury had deliberated for more more than 6 hours before adjorning for the night at about 9:30 p.m. Jurors then met for another three hours on Wednesday morning, and more than an hour on Wednesday afternoon before informing Hayes of their inability to make a decision.
The jurors had asked to review testimony about the mental and physical abuse Holloway suffered at the hands of Edens, her common-law husband.
Closing Arguments
In making their closing arguments on Tuesday, prosecutors said that Edens and Holloway deserved to die for their crime. Defense attorneys called for mercy.
Holloway was tearful at times. Her co-defendant, Edens, was not there.
Prosecutors said that because Holloway and Edens kidnapped Cockman before they killed him by wrapping his head with duct tape, they deserved to die for the crime.
"This isn't about what is the least and easiest for us to do," 13th Circuit Solicitor Bob Ariail said in his closing argument. "I told you this is a tough decision, but if we just took the easiest and least punishment then there's no need for the death penalty. Then our law says it's appropriate."
The jury heard excerpts from letters that Edens and Holloway wrote to each other from jail after their arrest in September 2004.
The letters referred to a plot to kill Holloway's father and included apologies to each other for their involvement in Cockman's death.
"Why should they receive mercy? What mercy did they give to Jim Cockman?" Ariail said. "When they were wrapping his head and he was struggling and gasping for air, pleading, they rejected his plea for mercy."
But defense attorneys for Edens and Holloway asked the jury to show mercy and spare their lives.
"Mr. Ariail talks like life without parole is like a stroll at Cleveland Park," Edens' attorney, John Mauldin, said. "Imagine it, imagine being in prison for the rest of your life never to breathe a breath of free air again. Do we teach our children revenge or do we teach them mercy? Do we teach them retribution or do we teach them compassion?"
Holloway's attorneys said a lifetime of troubles affected her actions on the day Cockman died in September 2004. They said that their client, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and battered women syndrome, does not deserve execution.
"I'm going to sit down in just a minute," Holloway's attorney Teresa Morris said. "This is an awesome responsibility for me, as a lawyer, to ask you for another woman's life. But your responsibility is much deeper. You have to make the judgment."
"We have all had bad experiences. We all have to deal with it," Holloway's attorney Hank Ehlies told the jury. "We all get hammered by the consequences of life, but some of us earlier than others. And some more frequently than others."
The judge told the jurors they could consider what's called mitigating circumstances, which are reasons to not impose the death penalty.
Those circumstances could include not having a criminal history of violence and acting under the influence of a mental disturbance.
Previous Stories:
June 27, 2006: Fate Of Edens, Holloway In Jury's Hands
June 26, 2006: Penalty Hearing Continues For Edens, Holloway
June 24, 2006: Edens, Holloway Found Guilty In Cockman's Death
June 23, 2006: Cockman Trial Now In Hands Of Jury
June 22, 2006: Prosecution Expected To Wrap Up Case In Cockman Trial
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Jim Cockman - update
I wrote way earlier about a local man who was violently killed by two people who wanted to steal his SUV he was selling. Here's a happier update about his story.
Once-again-the-lovely-disclaimer: I'm not making $$ on this website - so don't sue me! I want people to know that these horrible people got what was coming to them.
Penalty Hearing Continues For Edens, Holloway
Solicitor Seeking Death Penalty For Cockman's Killers
POSTED: 8:33 am EDT June 25, 2006
UPDATED: 7:09 am EDT June 26, 2006
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GREENIVLLE, S.C. -- The Greenville County jury that will decide the fate of David Edens and Jennifer Holloway heard from witnesses called by both the prosecution and defense on Sunday.
The penalty phase of the capital murder trial began Sunday morning after a mandatory 24-hour waiting period following the jury's verdict that the couple was guilty of kidnapping and killing Greenville businessman Jim Cockman.
The hearing ended for the day Sunday at about 5 p.m. and is scheduled to resume Monday a 9 a.m.
Prosecutors called Cockman’s widow, who described learning of her husband’s death – and then having to tell her family.
"No one should ever have to sit their son or their daughter down and have to tell them that their father has been killed," Cathy Cockman told the jury. "It was the most heart-wrenching thing that anyone could ever have to go through."
Prosecutors showed the jurors photos of Cockman’s family and heard testimony about how the former Sara Lee CEO helped friends, acquaintances and people he did not know through his work for charities including American Leprosy Missions.
Jurors also got to see the freezer in which investigators found Cockman’s body at a Tennessee storage unit, his wrists bound and his head wrapped in duct tape.
After the prosecution’s presentation, Edens' attorney called a forensic psychiatrist to the stand. Her testimony included a description of Edens’ version of what happened the day Cockman was kidnapped and killed.
"Jennifer had gotten Mr. Cockman to get into the back seat of the car by asking him to show her how the seats worked," Dr. Margret Melikian said. "David then stated that she punched him in the face and was able to put the duct tape around his head."
Melikian also testified that Edens suffers from social anxiety (who cares? she killed someone).
On cross-examination, prosecutors asked if that condition could cause a person to commit the crimes Edens is convicted of. Melikian said "No."
The Verdict
It took jurors less than two hours Friday afternoon, to find Edens and Holloway guilty.
As the verdict was announced, Holloway could be seen wiping away tears. Edens was not in the courtroom. He declined to appear in court after Monday, opting to remain in his cell at the Greenville County Law Enforcement Center.
In closing arguments, the lawyers hinted at their approaches to the penalty phase of the trial.
Deputy Solicitor Betty Strom focused on the brutality of the crime and the way in which Cockman was killed.
"You've got your hands on a man and you are wrapping his head as he is gasping for breath," Strom said. "How much meanness does it take? How mean do you have to be to grab a man and wrap his head with duct tape?"
Jurors heard two separate closing arguments from the defense, as Edens and Holloway are represented by different teams of lawyers.
Hank Eihles, representing Holloway, referred to a conversation that his client had with Greenville County investigator Paul Silvaggio (I actually know this detective - he's VERY honest) .
In testimony during the prosecution's case, Silvaggio said Holloway told him that she had seven people living inside her head and that one of them was telling her to kill herself.
"You're going to hear a lot about the next part of her statement to officer Silvaggio, who reported very honestly concerns that she expressed about her own mental state," Eihles told jurors. "We're dealing with a complicated woman, a complicated situation that you'll hear a lot more about."
Edens was represented by Rick Veith, who painted a picture of Edens as being dominated by Holloway, his common law wife.
He pointed out that it was Holloway who had rented the storage unit where Cockman's body was found inside a freezer and that she held the keys to that unit.
"I submit here that there was never an attempt, at least on Edens' part, to kill anyone. He was there to get (the SUV) and go on."
He also said that if the couple had planned all along to kill Cockman, they would have disposed of his body in a different way than locking it in a freezer in a Tennessee storage unit.
"You dispose of the body somewhere going up the road from North Carolina to Sevierville, Tenn.," Veith said. "You've got a long drive."
Previous Stories:
June 22, 2006: Prosecution Expected To Wrap Up Case In Cockman Trial
June 21, 2006: 'Dozing' Juror Dismissed In Capital Murder Case
June 20, 2006: Cockman's Widow Testifies About Husband's Disappearance
June 19, 2006: Opening Statements Set In Cockman Murder Trial
September 30, 2005: Date Set In Cockman Murder Trial
May 24, 2005: Pair Indicted In Retired Businessman's Death
October 5, 2004: Solicitor Will Seek Death Penalty In Cockman Homicide
September 28, 2004: FBI: Suspects In Cockman Death Called Others Selling Cars
September 27, 2004: Coroner: Jim Cockman's Death Is Homicide
September 23, 2004: FBI: Person Believed To Be Greenville Businessman Suffocated
Once-again-the-lovely-disclaimer: I'm not making $$ on this website - so don't sue me! I want people to know that these horrible people got what was coming to them.
Penalty Hearing Continues For Edens, Holloway
Solicitor Seeking Death Penalty For Cockman's Killers
POSTED: 8:33 am EDT June 25, 2006
UPDATED: 7:09 am EDT June 26, 2006
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GREENIVLLE, S.C. -- The Greenville County jury that will decide the fate of David Edens and Jennifer Holloway heard from witnesses called by both the prosecution and defense on Sunday.
The penalty phase of the capital murder trial began Sunday morning after a mandatory 24-hour waiting period following the jury's verdict that the couple was guilty of kidnapping and killing Greenville businessman Jim Cockman.
The hearing ended for the day Sunday at about 5 p.m. and is scheduled to resume Monday a 9 a.m.
Prosecutors called Cockman’s widow, who described learning of her husband’s death – and then having to tell her family.
"No one should ever have to sit their son or their daughter down and have to tell them that their father has been killed," Cathy Cockman told the jury. "It was the most heart-wrenching thing that anyone could ever have to go through."
Prosecutors showed the jurors photos of Cockman’s family and heard testimony about how the former Sara Lee CEO helped friends, acquaintances and people he did not know through his work for charities including American Leprosy Missions.
Jurors also got to see the freezer in which investigators found Cockman’s body at a Tennessee storage unit, his wrists bound and his head wrapped in duct tape.
After the prosecution’s presentation, Edens' attorney called a forensic psychiatrist to the stand. Her testimony included a description of Edens’ version of what happened the day Cockman was kidnapped and killed.
"Jennifer had gotten Mr. Cockman to get into the back seat of the car by asking him to show her how the seats worked," Dr. Margret Melikian said. "David then stated that she punched him in the face and was able to put the duct tape around his head."
Melikian also testified that Edens suffers from social anxiety (who cares? she killed someone).
On cross-examination, prosecutors asked if that condition could cause a person to commit the crimes Edens is convicted of. Melikian said "No."
The Verdict
It took jurors less than two hours Friday afternoon, to find Edens and Holloway guilty.
As the verdict was announced, Holloway could be seen wiping away tears. Edens was not in the courtroom. He declined to appear in court after Monday, opting to remain in his cell at the Greenville County Law Enforcement Center.
In closing arguments, the lawyers hinted at their approaches to the penalty phase of the trial.
Deputy Solicitor Betty Strom focused on the brutality of the crime and the way in which Cockman was killed.
"You've got your hands on a man and you are wrapping his head as he is gasping for breath," Strom said. "How much meanness does it take? How mean do you have to be to grab a man and wrap his head with duct tape?"
Jurors heard two separate closing arguments from the defense, as Edens and Holloway are represented by different teams of lawyers.
Hank Eihles, representing Holloway, referred to a conversation that his client had with Greenville County investigator Paul Silvaggio (I actually know this detective - he's VERY honest) .
In testimony during the prosecution's case, Silvaggio said Holloway told him that she had seven people living inside her head and that one of them was telling her to kill herself.
"You're going to hear a lot about the next part of her statement to officer Silvaggio, who reported very honestly concerns that she expressed about her own mental state," Eihles told jurors. "We're dealing with a complicated woman, a complicated situation that you'll hear a lot more about."
Edens was represented by Rick Veith, who painted a picture of Edens as being dominated by Holloway, his common law wife.
He pointed out that it was Holloway who had rented the storage unit where Cockman's body was found inside a freezer and that she held the keys to that unit.
"I submit here that there was never an attempt, at least on Edens' part, to kill anyone. He was there to get (the SUV) and go on."
He also said that if the couple had planned all along to kill Cockman, they would have disposed of his body in a different way than locking it in a freezer in a Tennessee storage unit.
"You dispose of the body somewhere going up the road from North Carolina to Sevierville, Tenn.," Veith said. "You've got a long drive."
Previous Stories:
June 22, 2006: Prosecution Expected To Wrap Up Case In Cockman Trial
June 21, 2006: 'Dozing' Juror Dismissed In Capital Murder Case
June 20, 2006: Cockman's Widow Testifies About Husband's Disappearance
June 19, 2006: Opening Statements Set In Cockman Murder Trial
September 30, 2005: Date Set In Cockman Murder Trial
May 24, 2005: Pair Indicted In Retired Businessman's Death
October 5, 2004: Solicitor Will Seek Death Penalty In Cockman Homicide
September 28, 2004: FBI: Suspects In Cockman Death Called Others Selling Cars
September 27, 2004: Coroner: Jim Cockman's Death Is Homicide
September 23, 2004: FBI: Person Believed To Be Greenville Businessman Suffocated
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Cheering Me Up
In an attempt to cheer me up, my sweet hubby bought me a beta fish. I have yet to name him. He's beautiful, though. He's a crowntail, which means he has a HUGE poofy tail. His tail is bright red like a gamecock and his body is a swirl of red, pink, purple and a little blue. When he bucks up to his reflection (they're pretty aggressive, which is why they're always solitary fish), he opens up his gills, and they are a deep blue. I'll post pictures when I can take one that isn't blurry or the image isn't distorted by the camera flash.
I gave Josh majority ownership of Doc's tank. He did pay for a large percentage of it anyway. He has decided to use it as a fish aquarium. Good idea, in my opinion. I was hoping he wouldn't get anything that requires a dry home. I can keep water clear & clean, but I can't deal with funny pet smells from dry terrariums.
So, I'm a little more cheerful. I got upset when we went into Petsmart and saw some turtle stuff. It was also hard throwing away his food and whatnots, but I'm getting better.
I gave Josh majority ownership of Doc's tank. He did pay for a large percentage of it anyway. He has decided to use it as a fish aquarium. Good idea, in my opinion. I was hoping he wouldn't get anything that requires a dry home. I can keep water clear & clean, but I can't deal with funny pet smells from dry terrariums.
So, I'm a little more cheerful. I got upset when we went into Petsmart and saw some turtle stuff. It was also hard throwing away his food and whatnots, but I'm getting better.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Happier Note
So, on "So you think you can dance?"...
Benji didn't get cut! I knew he wouldn't anyway, especially after the tear-up-the-house performance he gave on Wednesday night. He and Donyelle did a hip-hop piece. I can't believe he can dance like that! I was yelling at the TV, "Go Benji!" I missed the first half of the night, so I didn't know if he even made it through until the Stanislav Ivaneski, I think that's how you spell his last name, got cut (sad, by the way... I thought he'd go farther!).
Anyway, I'm hooked on this show!
Benji didn't get cut! I knew he wouldn't anyway, especially after the tear-up-the-house performance he gave on Wednesday night. He and Donyelle did a hip-hop piece. I can't believe he can dance like that! I was yelling at the TV, "Go Benji!" I missed the first half of the night, so I didn't know if he even made it through until the Stanislav Ivaneski, I think that's how you spell his last name, got cut (sad, by the way... I thought he'd go farther!).
Anyway, I'm hooked on this show!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Goodbye, Doc
I have some really bad news.
My turtle, Doc Holliday, crossed over to the turtle rainbow bridge yesterday at about 5pm.
I don't know what happened. He loved his new tank. I thought everything was just perfect, and all of a sudden, Josh told me I needed to go check on him, that he wasn't moving. I thought he was asleep, b/c they do sleep underwater at the bottom of the tank sometimes. Not this time, though... he was just laying down on the base rocks with his little legs and arms spread out. :(
I'm taking him back home to my mom and dad's house and burying him in their garden, alongside his older brother Ernie, and younger sibling, Howie.
I'll still post my beautiful pictures of Doc when I can (here's one for now that I had at work). I'm glad I got some recent photos of him before he died.
This will be my last turtle. I've decided that since I had him for 11 years, I have fulfilled my obligation as a turtle mommy.
I'll write about him more later.
My turtle, Doc Holliday, crossed over to the turtle rainbow bridge yesterday at about 5pm.
I don't know what happened. He loved his new tank. I thought everything was just perfect, and all of a sudden, Josh told me I needed to go check on him, that he wasn't moving. I thought he was asleep, b/c they do sleep underwater at the bottom of the tank sometimes. Not this time, though... he was just laying down on the base rocks with his little legs and arms spread out. :(
I'm taking him back home to my mom and dad's house and burying him in their garden, alongside his older brother Ernie, and younger sibling, Howie.
I'll still post my beautiful pictures of Doc when I can (here's one for now that I had at work). I'm glad I got some recent photos of him before he died.
This will be my last turtle. I've decided that since I had him for 11 years, I have fulfilled my obligation as a turtle mommy.
I'll write about him more later.

Thursday, June 08, 2006
So um, yeah... I'm slack
I have been EXTREMELY busy lately. Sorry for the lack of updates!
Since American Idol is off, Simon Fuller and Nigel Lythgoe will be thrilled to know that I have put even more money in their pockets by watching "So You Think You Can Dance?". I heard about it right when A.I. went off, so I thought I'd give it a shot in the hopes of catching some good swing dancers. I am a complete swing dance freak. However, I canNOT dance, mind you. There is not a single dancing bone in my body. I may have rhythm, but it was meant for playing an instrument.
I NEVER expected to see Benji Schwimmer and Heidi Groskreutz on that competition! I have followed, or attempted to follow pro swing dance for some time and I lost track of both of them around 2001 or later. Last night, I looked them up again and found out Benji had gone on a mission trip, hence the dancing hiatus. Well, there you go!
Heidi was a given into the top 10. I think most everyone knew that starting out. I personally knew Benji was a shoo-in, but I neglected to think about all of the possible dance types there are in that competition.
I'm glad the public gets a chance to vote for these folks, because I'm voting Benji and Heidi all the way!
Since American Idol is off, Simon Fuller and Nigel Lythgoe will be thrilled to know that I have put even more money in their pockets by watching "So You Think You Can Dance?". I heard about it right when A.I. went off, so I thought I'd give it a shot in the hopes of catching some good swing dancers. I am a complete swing dance freak. However, I canNOT dance, mind you. There is not a single dancing bone in my body. I may have rhythm, but it was meant for playing an instrument.
I NEVER expected to see Benji Schwimmer and Heidi Groskreutz on that competition! I have followed, or attempted to follow pro swing dance for some time and I lost track of both of them around 2001 or later. Last night, I looked them up again and found out Benji had gone on a mission trip, hence the dancing hiatus. Well, there you go!
Heidi was a given into the top 10. I think most everyone knew that starting out. I personally knew Benji was a shoo-in, but I neglected to think about all of the possible dance types there are in that competition.
I'm glad the public gets a chance to vote for these folks, because I'm voting Benji and Heidi all the way!
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