Do we want kids yet? Wow - what a question to ask myself.
I absolutely want children. One of each - not entirely uncommon, I realize. Girl first, boy second. I am unique in the family, poised to potentially carry twins OR triplets. Apparently, that trait skips generations here and both fell right on me. My only maternal female cousin could have twins as well.
With my dear hubby's help, I already have a full girl's name picked out. That name will be revealed when I find out in the distant future that I am pregnant with a girl. As I am not pregnant, and subsequently not having a girl, I won't post the name. I think it's too precious to just give out for anyone to use. I've never heard the combination of names before. Even the middle name Josh contributed has a special meaning to me, though he didn't know it when he suggested it.
I also want to use my maiden name (Meredith) as a middle or first name if we have another girl. Since my bro is having all girls, I want our proud surname to go somewhere. I have always loved my maiden name, and it was hard for me to switch to my married name, though that is no fault of Josh's. I'm glad to be married, and glad to have his name, but having been named Meredith for 28 years, you can appreciate a slight trauma in being suddenly named something different.
So yeah - back to do we or don't we. MY 90% solid answer is not yet. We're just not financially ready. I'll be glad to see the back of the next person who tells me "you'll never be ready financially to have kids." Yeah, well, I want my kids to be in diapers, so a minimum of financial happiness/contentment is necessary.
Funny though - my mom says "are you pregnant yet?" every other time we talk on the phone. She's already such a great Mom-Mom (grandma) to Lauren and Kiley, so I know she will shine as a Mom-Mom to our children. That's where the 10% comes into play. None of us have found the fountain of youth yet, so I don't want to wait too long. I'd hate to be 60 and sending my 15 year old off to camp. It might be good for some people, but that's not what I want. I want to be covered in grandchildren on the front porch at that age, not my children! :)
Oh - my brother and sister-in-law are going to have another girl! I'll post the ultrasound pics when I send them home from work... probably on the family website too. So those of you who read that, you can check out our latest Meredith/Brown/Burgess/Patterson (you're lucky we only have four surnames!) endeavors.
I just finished Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince last night (ticked me off, too, by the way - those of you who have read it can sympathize with me - whaaa!!). I'll have a rant on that at a later date. Now I'm reading a book lent to me by a co-worker (thanks!) called "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. I've only just started it today (I needed something to take my mind off HP!), so I'm only on page 60 or so. It's an easy read so far, obviously.
Short and sweet tonight, but I'm lucky I could even write at all. I've been so busy, as I am once again by myself at work and have no time for anything extra there. So, anything for the next few posts will be nights at home between my heavy reading habit. Later on!